Friday, August 11, 2023

Alleged Wife Beater Purported to Sleep with Woman Chasing Homosexual Male Behind Wife's Back


A racist Republican invited me to his hate group ostensibly to have a "fair and balanced" bit of information, but like Fox News he had no intention of getting information from the other side.

He pines to this day about his wife leaving him, but when you're allegedly banging the chick chasing gay guys behind your wife's back, well, don't bitch decades later when your slutty behavior cost you your marriage.

In my old age I'm removing the toxic people from my life, and my life has much improved.  My Facebook Friends is nearly maxed out at over 4500, a dizzying array of great people I've known over the past half a century or more. 


Heck, some of these people that I'm blocking on all my devices, phone, e mail, FB etc. might have a touch of Alzheimer's (i'm pretty sure of it,) but I don't need the lunacy because I'm in a happy space and want to stay in that happy space.

TTL - the Toxic Loons - can easily break your momentum, and with a snip quicker than a circumcision you can remove them from your social media and personal platforms, and your life can be beautiful again.

The alleged wife beater, his now ex-wife, and the chick who chased me for years put together a bizarre dinner where they blindsided me by demanding I ask the fag hag to marry me.

What of that sentence do you not understand?


Look, she interfered in my ability to freely seek out men that I enjoyed the company of.  My British pal Jeremy (immortalized on my pioneering homo album Love Songs Just for You) or a hot blonde drummer bisexual friend of mine (who was banging my female keyboard player....)  

See, I'm a polite guy.   I asked the boyfriend of the bisexual "Are you guys exclusive" and the queen yells out at my Cantones rock club (I was the main booking agent) "He goes where he wants to go."

Well, I then said "Come along, Bobby" and hot Bobby got into my van and Lou's jaw dropped....ha ha ha....

But the fag hag was all over me...and at another nightclub around the corner while I'm making time with bobby the fag-hag Gestapo was stomping her foot as if she owned me.   

She would tell me that she wished she were a boy, but what she never got (most fag hag "relationships," if they can be called that, are generally selfish.  They want to own a guy and see homosexual men as their prey) is that her racist ways are in direct conflict with progressive homosexuals.

In my van in Cambridge at that little variety store half-way between Harvard and Central Square three African American women were on the sidewalk.

The condescending fag hag with the racist daddy who made Archie Bunker from All in the Family look like a saint, blurts out the N word, plural.

My response: "How can you say that?   I live with an African American woman!"

Her racist response: "That's different. We know her." why would I want to marry that?

Gender doesn't even come into the equation ....I was lucky enough to have a wonderful girlfriend and a wonderful husband.  They were progressive, we all loved each other, we were all our own family. 

I wrote Ms. Fag Hag a letter in the recent past when she started causing trouble again that I had made the right choice when choosing who I wanted to live my life with.  My friend and I never had an argument, ever. We lived in peace and harmony, we had a very special life together.

With her, my life would have been pure hell.  And not because of her gender, because of her condescending attitude towards everyone. She knew it all, her way or the highway, oh, and I was supposed to step up to attention and marry her?  Oh my God.

So the alleged wife-beater and definite racist opened his MAGA room and when the Democrats had such a fantastic week with Biden wins and the Ohio win, and Republican Drudge Report noting the real poll, Biden up 46 % to Trump at 29 % (I posted that in Real Medford Mass. Politics as well,) they banned me from their echo chamber hate fest.

Not that I cared, I welcome it - actually.

Part II will describe how nuts they are, and that's why I accepted the invite, to see how far down the rabbit hole these MAGA creeps go....

How far?  A blazing train heading down the highway to hell.

More soon