Monday, August 7, 2023

4:47 pm All Time page views 2,468,043 Aug 7 2023 / Jackass Lawyer John Lauro will send Trump to Prison for Good <>;
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Now here's an attorney that really needs to be disbarred! 

An Open Letter to Buffoon John Lauro

There was John Lauro on Sunday, August 6, whoring himself out
to the media    In a perfect world an attorney would shut his
damn mouth and try the case in court, not feeding red meat to
the Neanderthals who are so desperately lonely that they
embrace the Grifter-in-Chief, Donald J. Trump.

Trump zeroed in on the Jim Jones followers...MAGA is the
resurrected People's Temple   How is Trump any different than
Jones?   "American preacher who led the Peoples Temple between 1955 and 1978. 
In what he called "revolutionary suicide", Jones and the members of his inner circle 
orchestrated a mass murder-suicide in his remote jungle commune at Jonestown, Guyana, 
on November 18, 1978" (Wikipedia.)

With a horrible defense attorney like Lauro, the DOJ hardly 
needs a superb mind like Jack Smith - Lauro is giving the
prison warden the keys to #LockHimUp, giving his client a
life's sentence.  Stick a fork in Trump, we are finally rid of that
s.o.b. and Lauro is putting the final nail in Trump's coffin.

When it comes to getting paid by a con-artist who makes
Saint Bernie Madoff look kind and benevolent, when the
bill comes due, Trump will call Lauro's bill collectors out for
"interfering in an election" that sexual deviant Trump can never,
ever win.

Trump's attacks on a great president like Joseph Biden are
the very flower of extreme elder abuse.   John Lauro should
be charged and convicted of being an accomplice, aiding and
abetting a criminal.  Trump makes Benedict Arnold look like a
choir boy by comparison.

A MAGA follower that I've known for half a century has a bizarre
XXXX XXXXX XXXXXX Politics page, which is hardly that.  It's the
old and crippled minds of MAGA, most likely drunk and on 
absurd rants that make no sense.   

They behave like Trump
They adore the orange-haired psychopath
and they call sane people outrageous names beyond libelous.

Just hideous individuals - all 39 of them!  Here's my post:

I'm writing a hilarious letter about this page to Trump's attorney, John Lauro, 
explaining exactly how ludicrous xxxxx xxxxx  xxxxx Politics on FB is. Johnny V is getting a bcc...
noting how Trump has resurrected Jim Jones' "People's Temple." 
This place actually feels like a People's Temple newsletter. 
 I lived in an AirBNB that I managed with a nutcase who refused to go and vote,
 but proclaimed that Trump "won" the election.

He wasn't the only GOP to not vote in the election thinking that the Insurrection would install 
Kool-Aid Donald. They didn't even vote, magically they thought their little red Maga Hats,
 red from the blood of the poor threatened animals killed by Eric and Donald Trump Jr. 
would help them ascend into the rapture! 
The rapture where they could all express their lunacy forever.

 Like a good con man, Trump is sending them all to hell in a hand basket. 

 John Lauro with them. 

They will all submerge in the vortex to Hades, with wailing and gnashing of teeth 
like they did when millions of us progressives came out in droves - 
our blue wave drowning the fat orange-haired incompetent son of racist Fred Trump. 
Praise the Lord! 

August 4, 2023

Donald Trump’s Lawyer Is Dumber Than Donald Trump

Yes, Alina Habba is out of her depth. But John Lauro takes the cake in the former president’s legal clown show.

There is no First Amendment Right to Organize a Coup!

They’ve been a clown show almost top to bottom, but it looks like John Lauro, who’s taken the public lead this week, is topping them all. He started the week peddling the free speech argument against the indictment, which has been pulverized by many people, such that I don’t even need to go into it. But just to toss in my own quick two cents: If I say to John that Jeff is a terrible person and should die, that’s free speech; if I say to John that Jeff is terrible person and we should conspire to murder him, that’s criminal intent. Pretty simple.