Thursday, March 25, 2021

Chief Buckley And Gun Control: Man arrested after allegedly entering Atlanta Publix with five guns and body armor


Man arrested after allegedly entering Atlanta Publix with five guns and body armor  A man was arrested Wednesday after entering a Publix supermarket in Atlanta with five firearms and body armor, police said. The man, who Atlanta police have identified as 22-year-old Rico Marley, has been charged with reckless conduct. 

Police did not provide evidence that Marley planned to carry out a shooting at the store that day. But the incident occurred in the wake of two mass shootings that have shaken the nation and prompted widespread calls for gun reform: the shooting at a supermarket in Boulder, Colorado, that killed 10 people, and a series of shootings at three Atlanta-area spas that killed eight.

Chief Buckley Allegedly Stopping Gun Permits on some residents

    I am in AGREEMENT with the Chief when it comes to being particular at this point in time [PUT A MORATORIUM ON GUN PERMITS RIGHT NOW], though allegedly calling people "unbalanced," if true, was irresponsible.

    A box cutter and dirty steak knife were at Alden Chambers for weeks on end until this journalist brought it to attention of the council.

     My unlikely believer,!  Fred Dello Russo Jr., as outraged as me.  Thank you, Freddy, I do give merit where it is due. 

Put "ed finn trash" in Google Images and this photo shows up.  Dirty Steak Knife was on the top Gildan box a few weeks before.

When I politely went to the violent city clerk at the time, Edward P "ex football player" Finn, he said:

1)Give the "whack" to Judy Lonergan ...blaming an elder woman for his lack of work ethic

a STEAK KNIFE, with police showing up in Alden chambers for violent ex TV3 members and Ed Finn thinks nothing of a steak knife in a public place BEFORE THE DRUG ABUSE VIGIL when HUNDREDS packed Alden Chambers only to find a dirty steak knife and box cutters available for any crackpot to abuse!

You can't make this stuff up.  A violent city clerk thinks nothing of a steak knife and box cutter in "his" chambers....yeah, because to a thug that's 
just normal.    Sick jerk.

Finn - after blaming Mrs. Lonergan falsely, then explained his job for all that money...the Cliff's Notes version, obviously:

2)I do weddings and deaths.

No, Ed, you also gay bashed, and Ed Finn took me into his office outraged because he's bi-racial he doesn't think he's an anti-gay BIGOT!   

Guess what, JERK: slugging a homo is gay bashing!

Hey Neil Osborne, give a talkin' to Ed Finn.
Finn's "evidence" that he's not a bigot, gay-basher, because he's "bi-racial..."

Yeah, Ed...and some of my best friends are  (name the ethnicity...)  UGGGGH....Medford is SO BEHIND THE EIGHT BALL and horribly vulgar!


What a dirty bastard!

Ed's a big man with the camera off slugging a homosexual guitar player, but when it comes to showing up in criminal court where I believe Finn would have been arrested, no integrity Ed...with no morals whatsoever. The police, filing a Witness Intimidation case, admitted Finn did a violent assault, committed a crime.  No crime, no witness, so the corrupt Mackowski, Covino and Faller have double standards: protect the guilty, harass the victim!  Creeps!

Finn, the yellow-bellied violent coward, like most bullies, RAN when I paid for a SUBPOENA, written by my attorney, to bring a violent criminal ex clerk to justice.

Sue me, Ed.  I just called you the violent criminal that you are.   

Facts are the best defense !

Can you see Finn in court?'

JV: Your honor, Finn failed to show up under subpoena

E.F.  Ask the former city solicitor...I'm too much of a coward to tell the truth.

Ed Finn deserves to be bedding with Covino, Faller, Mackowski and Bernie Madoff...and three idiots from a slowly fizzling non-profit!