Saturday, March 27, 2021

to my gal BREANNA: The State of Access in Medford, Malden Somerville Winchester 220 Days to Election 2021 Nov 2

 Where's Our Money?  

Does the average citizen know what they are
not getting via Public Access TV?  

If You Pay a Cable Bill it is YOUR MONEY! 

If you are a citizen, business, civic group or even a visitor to a city,
why do you have access to the public library yet not access television? 

What was once a Medford problem has now evolved to
Winchester, Malden and Somerville. 

Somerville had one of the best stations in the U.S.A.  That has disintegrated.

I was on the board of directors of Boston Free Radio and we
turned things around (the radio station always played 2nd fiddle
to the youth whose parents pay hundreds and hundreds of dollars
to the station.) 

What Somerville, Malden, Winchester and Medford do
is keep the public out. 

If you saw the Medford City Council praising their
'station manager" that's because the manager insults the public
while catering to the government channel. 

Want some proof?

Ask the mayor how the P/E/G money is divided. 

I have the city's response to a public records request -
it is complex and meant to LACK THE TRANSPARENCY
that Mayor Lungo-Koehn promised us. 

These "managers" have to be held accountable.

Malden had a stalker on the board of directors posting
the threat of murder of a host she was jealous of. 

She's now purportedly teaching the children of Malden.

PROBLEM #2 and 3 at MATV, Allegedly
Allegations that a woman on the board resigned because
she was allegedly sexually harassed and then there's
the ex Malden board member who had to be pulled from the
Jet Blue cargo hold at Logan Airport. Winchester, like many stations
named in this column, fails to do OUTREACH and closes the doors.

In Malden if they don't like you you are not allowed in as
the Executive Director eyes a paycheck more than public service. 

A couple of decades ago the very same E.D. in Malden
asked me to vote for board members that he knew would
keep him on salary.

I was his "music director" at two stations and handed him
questions, as any professional does, prior to his program.

He got angry.   "I don't need this."  So egotistical.
Then he starts reading them.

"Oh, these are pretty good."

No, they were VERY GOOD.  But then again, being a
professional and being PREPARED, my goal is to serve
the viewers, not get up there to be Jay Leno or Jimmy Kimmel.

This writer/host helped bring music talent to the MATV
parties.  To see an E.D. calling himself "Obi Ron Kenobi"
and dancing around like an idiot is against the spirit of
access television.   That's what the members are joining
to become part of.

Being the "star of the show" and denying the little kids
their day in the sun, that's just bullying and unfair behavior.

Meanwhile the artist I hired played perfectly, I videotaped,
the team effort was there from my side of the table.

And that hard work and honest effort frightens them.
It frightened the hell out of David Gauthier in Winchester
because all that duck out of water can do is Quack.
Never have I witnessed someone not ready for prime time
like Gauthier and here's the punchline: when he was a
wannabe at Salem Access TV he shared a cubicle with
Obi Ron Kenobi.    It must be infectious.

Allegedly, a woman who recently wanted the job allegedly
got muscled out and now that same person,
without term limits, conducts himself in almost the same fashion
as the old TV3 Medford, which this writer shut down in concert
with two residents back in 2013.   Obi Ron Kenobi? More like
Sheev Palpatine - the evil Emperor, who wants it all for himself.

Yeah, Medford had a few of those.  And thanks to the
Return of the Jedi, we sent TV 3 Medford hurtling down
the chasm quicker than the Titanic.

Hey Anne, ever think of investigating WHY you didn't get the
E.D. job, and if someone being HIRED by a board should
allegedly go behind your back and lobby the members on who
and who not to vote for?   Those who don't know the past ...
those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it!

Anne?  Are you listening?

If history repeats itself...well, knowing my back-stabbing friend,
methinks you need to start a little investigation.

Betting man that I am, I think you already know.

That being said...Urban Arts Media has a toxic board
and SO MANY people who are angry in Medford, Somerville,
Malden and Winchester always get a hold of yours truly
to get the message out.   Notice I did NOT say
"allegedly toxic board."   Then again, I know too much.

You don't believe me? 

Ask the ex convict Vice Chair of the
Medford School Committee.

I, am very effective, and my skills have only gotten sharper
over the years.

They do things the WRONG way thinking that they
are so connected that they are impervious to scrutiny. 

TV3 thought that too, but with perseverance, the facts, the truth,
it is hard for a mayor to have to consistently put blinders on
when things get so out of control.

I don't mind putting the formula out there,
that's how I prevail, the truth, hard work, investigation
(which I've been QUIETLY doing for months before
this public declaration) .

..and the two key points:

Serving the Public while Protecting its Money


Having started in access TV in 1979 I know its value,
how the histories of cities and towns have been
intentionally neglected, and I know the great stations
...and the bad stations

...and the reasons why the great ones are great

and the meddlesome individuals who make the bad ones
so very bad.  

When a certain school committee vice chair
changed his name his past caught up with him.

Malden Access Television - if you put matv dot org -
has acted like the vice chair of the
Medford School Committee with a name change.  

very bad BRANDING
https:// urbanmediaarts .org/ 
Urban Arts Media -
which sounds more like arts and crafts
than access television, further confusing the public
with bad branding.  

The Government Affairs Coordinator
in Malden might also be on the Somerville
Board of Directors,
the former President of MATV works at Stoneham TV.

So if they get angry with you for exposing the cronyism,
it infects access TV at multiple stations. 

And boy do they ever get angry
if you point out that the belle of the ball in Somerville
(she's off to New York) is unethical,
partying too much and not doing her job. 

As stated, I was on the radio station board.  I built the newsletter.
That individual put her name on my hard work and honest efforts,
seething with envy.  

After she stole from me she came up to me
and said "you're going to be artist of the month"
or whatever foolish thing she had going.

Oh, dear, Artist of the Month in Somerville!
I'll take the legitimate award at the annual party,
thank you very much, but that's how egotistical
the woman was.  Of course I never got the
"monthly" award...gee...when all I needed was
credit for writing my newsletter that she plagiarized.

She was still on the Somerville page
after she left for New York, allegedly getting paid
until yours truly sent a note to the station.

Then her photo and title vanished. Cronyism.

They can attack me, call me names,
blah blah blah but the bottom line is the
contract with each municipality and if the non-profit entity
is keeping its end of the bargain. 

I have proof that Somerville, Malden and Winchester are not. 

It took years, but I put a spotlight on
Medford Community Cablevision, Inc;. and I prevailed. 

This is about protecting our civil rights, our free speech rights,
freedom of the press and our ability to record local history.

Individuals at the four stations in this essay - with Medford in big bold print -
are not doing their job. 

They want the paycheck without doing proper outreach. 

They have fuzzy math outreach, and that's not good enough. 

They cling to the paychecks that, in some cases,
they have not earned.

And their egos are way out of control.  

They have egos, while this essay gives you hard work
and honest effort. 

My goal now, and I'm saying it publicly as I believe we have
the evidence and the legal team, is to help the public
and remove the unethical and immoral abuse of access
television in this region. 

Stay tuned...I believe the lawyers are going to
get this huge scandal on major news media and soon.  

The mayors and town manager are going to
have to respond when it hits the mainstream press.

former MATV / URBAN ARTS MEDIA board member:
Sergiu Parfeni, 31, was immediately pulled from
the cargo hold by JetBlue employees, authorities said.

He’s being charged with interfering with aircraft operation,
trespassing, and disorderly conduct, state police said in a statement.


Authorities brought bomb-detecting dogs to the plane’s cargo
hold but didn’t find anything “hazardous or suspicious.”

Police don’t believe Parfeni “acted with terrorist intent.”  


Joe Viglione