Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Get Rid of Mitch and Drump ...Get Rid of the Filibuster

Trump: Ending the filibuster would be 'catastrophic' for Republican Party

Former President Trump is warning Republicans that any effort to abolish the Senate filibuster would cause irreparable damage to the party.

During an interview on the podcast “The Truth with Lisa Boothe," Trump discussed Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and his attempts to fight off talk from progressives to eliminate the longstanding filibuster rule.

"Look, he's hanging by a thread right now with respect to the filibuster," Trump said of McConnell.

"And if they get the filler, he's hanging on [Democratic Sen.] Joe Manchin, who always goes with the Democrats. Joe talks, but he ends up going with the Democrats. Now there’s another great senator from the state of Arizona. He's hanging by a thread and if they get rid of the filibuster, if they knock it out, it will be catastrophic for the Republican Party."   https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/544275-trump-getting-rid-of-filibuster-would-be-catastrophic-for-republican-party