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Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Committee of the Half Wit is this GOODBYE TO ADAM 'USELESS' HURTUBISE? CHECK IN AT 6 PM DEC 1

6:O2 PM LAST DAY OF NOVEMBERAll Time2126908Today694Yesterday804This Month34...
City Council of Medford Nov 30 plus 12/1/21 Committee of the Whole....to be posted soon.
Wed, Nov 24 at 3:23 PMI have attached the agenda for the November 30, 2021 Medford City Council Meeting. I have also attached the agenda for the December 1, 2021 Committee of the Whole Meeting. November 30, 2021 City Council Meeting: Join Zoom Meetinghttps://zoom.us/j/98923641498Meeting ID: 989 2364 1498One tap mobile+13017158592,,98923641498# US (Washington DC)+13126266799,,98923641498# US (Chicago)Dial by your location+1...
Monday, November 29, 2021
Discarded Dunkin cup led police to suspect in vicious Middlesex Fells sexual assault https://www.bostonherald.com/2021/11/29/discarded-dunkin-cup-led-police-to-suspect-in-vicious-middlesex-fells-sexual-assault/?utm_email=E454C415948D740FF484A4358A&g2i_eui=LlvAMyLAZmItAlKLX0rby12vwNY9aLeN&g2i_source=newsletter&lctg=E454C415948D740FF484A4358A&utm_source=listrak&utm_medium=email&utm_term=https%3a%2f%2fwww.bostonherald.com%2f2021%2f11%2f29%2fdiscarded-dunkin-cup-led-police-to-suspect-in-vicious-middlesex-fells-sexual-assault%2f&utm_campaign=boston-herald-nightly-briefing&utm_content=automated ...
When Ugly, Stupid Neanderthals Call You Names, Accept the Compliment!
Life's too short, when sub-humans smash a bank door or lie to the police...or judge and jury, you DON'T want them saying anything nice about y...
Does Alleged rapist live at 121 Riverside Ave Medford, MA 02155? Isn't this under the PURVIEW of the MEDFORD HOUSING AUTHORITY?
121 Riverside AveMedford, MA 02155 https://www.spokeo.com/MA/Medford/121-Riverside-...
Brady McCue Photos Hit #1, Dethroning the Mighty L'Italien Report

12:19 pm Monday November 29, 2021...
Man Accused of Raping Lovely Bones Author Alice Sebold Has Conviction Overturned Anthony Broadwater served 16 years in prison after being accusing of raping author Alice Sebold. More than 20 years after he completed his sentence, his conviction was overturned. By CORINNE HELLER NOV 29, 2021 6:05 AMTAGS
It's like trusting the Medford Police Department. DON'T!Man Accused of Raping Lovely Bones Author Alice Sebold Has Conviction OverturnedAnthony Broadwater served 16 years in prison after being accusing of raping author Alice Sebold. More than 20 years after he completed his sentence, his conviction was overturned.By CORINNE HELLER NOV 29, 2021 6:05 AMTAGShttps://www.eonline.com/news/1311280/man-accused-of-raping-lovely-bones-author-alice-sebold-has-conviction-overturned"I...
Medford to Hold Public Meeting on Future Parking Plans on Dec. 8 by Jackie Piques
Medford to Hold Public Meeting on Future Parking Plans on Dec. 8
by Jackie Piques
Dec. 8 meeting is first in a series of public meetings to discuss City parking procedures
City of Medford will be holding a public meeting on Wednesday, December
8 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. via zoom and in person at the City Hall
Council Chambers to...
Sunday, November 28, 2021
New Top 10 Photos of Brady McCue Shoot to #2, just 1 point under L'Italien Report. Amazing

Public Interest is Great in Alleged Mad Stalker of Medford, Brady Mc...
Brady McCue Alleged Mental Issues....Sunday Boston Globe
Father of suspect in Middlesex Fells assault says his son has battled mental health problems for yearsBy Nick Stoico Globe Correspondent,Updated November 27, 2021, 7:25 p.m.71After Brady McCue had Thanksgiving dinner with his family Thursday at his sister’s Medford home, his father asked him to go home with him to New Hampshire, but McCue declined.McCue, 28, who has battled mental health issues for years, had been discharged from Anna Jaques...
Saturday, November 27, 2021
On D.A. Marian Ryan's website
Man Arrested in Connection with Assault in Middlesex FellsPOSTED ON: NOVEMBER 26, 2021 - 10:09PMMEDFORD – Middlesex District Attorney Marian Ryan, Massachusetts State Police Colonel Christopher Mason and Winchester Chief of Police Daniel O’Connell have confirmed that Brady McCue, 28 of Medford has been arrested in connection with the sexual assault and assault and battery of a 48-year-old woman which occurred at approximately 8:00 a.m. today near...
A Facebook Page on a "Brady McCue"

How Many Brady McCue characters are there in Medford? Don't know how many individuals are named Brady McCue in Medford. Here is a Facebook page. This person may be totally innocent (as the alleged perpetrator of the Fells crime may be) but in the interest of the public, here is information from a Medford Facebook page Fair use Copyright; public i...
The Claim is that Brian Kerins "retired," but the Rumor Mill is BUZZING about the Mayor's Involvement
Councilors questioned the timing of the resignation seeing as the city is in the middle of conducting its fall “Big Sweep,” the yearly cleaning of all city streets to unclog gutters and remove fall leaves.“This is a peak time for the Department of Public Works,” said Council President Rick Caraviello. https://www.wickedlocal.com/story/medford-transcript/2021/11/22/medford-head-public-works-retires-city-taps-interim-commis...
McCue is set to be arraigned Monday in Somerville District Court.
McCue is set to be arraigned Monday in Somerville District Court. The woman, who is not known to McCue, was walking in the area of Leslie Road Trail Head at the time of the attack. It appears that McCue struck the woman with a rock multiple times before sexually assaulting her and running off, the statement said.Investigators from the Massachusetts State Police and Winchester police collected evidence from the scene that led them to identify...
Brady McCue Arrested and Charged with Alleged Fells Rape!
November 26, 2021 at 11:15 pm ESTBy Boston 25 News StaffMEDFORD, Mass. — A 28-year-old Medford man has been arrested and charged in connection to a sexual assault at the Middlesex Fells Reservation in Medford Friday, the Middlesex County DA’s Office announced.That man, identified as Brady McCue, 28, of Medford, has been charged with armed assault to murder, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon causing serious bodily injury, kidnapping,...
Friday, November 26, 2021
More Medford News Soon: Kevin Harrington Roadie for Beatles: Paul: “She’s Great. She really is alright. They just want to be near each other.”

This is Monday, the 20th of January, 1969, Day 8 of taping/audio recording / filming and the way Peter Jackson lets the story unfold, chronologically, as well as the crisp clarity of the 50+ years old aged film is remarkable.This is a documentary on how to make a motion picture; this is a documentary on how to write songs on the spot by two of the greatest songwriters in pop...
Thursday, November 25, 2021
91 Songs in Part 1 of the Beatles Documentary Part 1
1)In Spite of All the Danger
2)Love Me Do
3)Some Other Guy (Barrett/Leiber/Stoller)
4)Please Please Me
5)Twist and Shout (Bert Berns/Phil Medley)
6)I Want to Hold Your Hand
7)She Loves You
8)Do You Want to Know a Secret
9)All My Loving
10)A Hard day’s Night
11)Eight Days a Week
12)Can’t Buy Me Love
13)I Should Have Known Better
14)Act Naturally (Russell/Morrisson)
17)Drive My Car