Thursday, November 25, 2021

To Donald Trump's Attorney Binnall

 Thu, Nov 25 at 4:14 PM

Jesse R. Binnall (VA022)
717 King Street, Suite 200
Alexandria, VA 22314
Tel: (703) 888-1943
Fax: (703) 888-1930
Attorney for Donald J. Trump

To: Jesse R. Binnall,

With all the shenanigans your client, Donald J. Trump, engages in, voters need to be concerned: when does Mr. Trump
ever come clean and stop his legal maneuvers by simply telling the truth?

When does that failed public servant ever help the public he was paid to serve?

As an American it was my perception that all these public servants, Hillary Clinton, Donald J. Trump, Joseph Biden...are obligated to be upfront with those who voted for them.

Allegedly, the Binall Law Group wrote this nonsense:

"Members of the Committee have already concluded that the former President is responsible, no matter what the evidence says. They can legislate accordingly, or they must explain why each item requested would be material to any decision they intend to make," Trump's legal team wrote Tuesday night.

If not responsible, Mr. Binnall, we can prove that Mr. Trump is IRRESPONSIBLE.  Your indecent defending the indefensible will
be addressed further on in this missive.

Americans have a right to know.  The self-serving "presidency" of Trump, with his foul mouth and failure to disclose on the campaign trail,
was the swamp.  What Mr. Trump did for the good of America, was expose Republican hypocrisy by magnifying it to such a degree that anyone with a clue realized how divisive, and crooked, your client was and still is.  He just took the toxic Republican Kool Aid and put it on the silver screen, not worrying about consequences.  For an ugly man, Trump is a very excellent con artist.  

Trump did something else for America.  He put a spotlight on how dumb many Americans are (those who voted for him and broke the law for him,) and put all of Democracy on notice.   The only thing we can thank Donald Trump for is that his malfeasance is so broad and overwhelming that we now know who the enemy is: The Republican Party.  Now we just have to get some prosecutors with integrity ....and many good stop them from gaming the system.

As for you hoping to take the Judas Iscariot thirty pieces of silver, well, dealing with a devil like Trump puts you in an insecure position.
You see, Judas actually got paid!  

I'm amazed that a purportedly smart man like you never studied the Michael Cohen Story.   Representing a backstabbing thug who only got to power because his allegedly racist daddy gave him a whole lotta cash, well, I did so love it when Hillary Clinton mocked the pseudo billionaire, honest to God I did.

Mr. Binnall's Posture in the Papers:
I guess it's a decent strategy when you are defending the indefensible, and with Trump's legacy of not paying lawyers (since Trump University and his alleged "charity" having allegedly folded,) well, Jesse, hope the publicity is substantial enough for you.

The evidence indicates that Trump engaged in criminal behavior before, during and after his vacation stay at the White House.

Do I, as an American, even have a say in this?

If 71 million Americans allegedly voted for Trump they should be found guilty and imprisoned...for stupidity.

So here are my gripes:

1)The Post Office is essential for my life.  Louis DeJoy was put in there to swipe and hijack and hide Democratic votes; Republicans using the U.S. Mail were "collateral damage" ...but Donald Trump, such a coward, denied Americans their beloved postal service despite its negative impact on even Republican voters.  Now THAT is borderline personality disorder AND obsession, but I'm not a shrink.

2)DeJoy is just as conflicted and corrupt as Mr. Trump has proven to be.

These aren't allegations, I'm going through the facts...Trump University, DeJoy's connections, the Hatch Act, Corey Lewandowski, Steve Bannon...what an ugly crew... obstructing justice indicates they are all guilty

Trump denying us to look at public records, or at least records that ought to be public, is the sign of a guilty person.  If Donald were so benevolent, he would want the public to see that his unclean hands are actually clean.

Let's look at two obvious items:  

A)Americans have INFRASTRUCTURE that loser Trump promised week after week, yet couldn't deliver

B)Unemployment numbers in over half a century!   

New unemployment claims drop to a 50-year low

Mr. Binnall, be a good American and tell your client to plead guilty and hand over the paperwork.

Let's have the Trump charade come to an end

We add Trump supporter  Matt Gaetz as a bonus! Obvious Item

C)Matt Gaetz - Trump Supporter

Vanity Fair: Matt Gaetz is Screwed Six Ways   
Two top prosecutors have been added to the DOJ’s investigation, and the sentencing of the congressman’s former wingman has been delayed because of the volume of dirt the guy has shared with the Feds.
BY BESS LEVIN   According to Pulitzer Prize–winning reporters Katie Benner and Michael Schmidt, one of the prosecutors is a public corruption investigator who specializes in child exploitation crimes

OCTOBER 22, 2021

Now tell me that Eric, Ivanka and Donald Jr. aren't the best casting job ever...
for a new version of THE MUNSTERS?


Joe Viglione