Thursday, July 7, 2022


 Thu, Jul 7 at 2:09 PM

Public Records Division
One Ashburton Place, Room 1719
Boston, MA 02108
Dear Public Records Division:

On July 5, 2022, Atty Lori Sullivan noted "the department has not met 
its burden..." after stating that  the police department failed to show 
that disclosure of these records would prejudice law enforcement.

Mr. Casey, who first claimed it a law enforcement issue, 
now is citing privacy of a public figure,
a Medford city councilor, with information the voters and 
taxpayers are hungry for so that they
can make a clear choice come election day.

Casey refuses to comply with Atty Sullivan's order and comes up 
with a new, irrelevant, position:

"The individual in the video/photographic record requested here, 
has a privacy interest in the record.  Since the Magistrate here subsequently 
dismissed the complaint at a show cause hearing with no further 
judicial/prosecutorial proceedings, the disclosure of the video/picture 
are materials or data relating to a specifically named individual, 
and may constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, 
per exemption C.

Respectfully Submitted              
Lt. Joseph Casey

The problem for Lieutenant Casey is that Adam Knight is not an "individual" 
but a major public figure in Medford.
By Casey's poor standard, we wouldn't know about married Medford NJ  
Mayor Chris Myers and his "" scandal:

 Chris Myers, a married father of two and former naval officer, 
resigned today as mayor of Medford Township New Jersey 
amid calls for his departure, according to the Courier Post, 
a southern New Jersey newspaper.

Without citing the scandal itself, which broke in October, the 46-year-old Republican 
said he was resigning to concentrate on work. 

The Courier Post, however, notes that Myers left his employment
 with Lockheed Martin on Dec. 1 after company representatives said 
“the Republican’s alleged scandal caused workplace distractions,” 
according to the paper. 
The paper reported that Myers declined to answer 
a question about whether he is gay or bisexual."

This writer has seen a lot in his days, and the Myers' photos were pretty 
repulisive,  but the public has a right to know.

So why are Myers' homosexual photos any less private than Adam Knight 
smashing a bank door, in a fit of rage, purportedly
fleeing the scene of the crime, and being charged with 
"wanton destruction."

Also good to note, I believe a certain lawyer may allegedly be working 
with the MPD to deny these requests, an alleged
lawyer friend of Mr. Knight's - I'll give a hint, said lawyer is in 
Governor Charlie Baker's office according to his Linked In I guess I will  send a records request to the Governor's office 
as well to see if said lawyer 
IS attempting to deny the public its right to these documents/photographs.

The Records Division must question why the deficient-in-giving-public-records 
MPD is being so antagonistic with a rogue
city councilor that my investigation has found the MPD allegedly 
has no love for (this particular councilor.)
Strange, but hardly unexpected given the level of malfeasance 
in Medford that my news organization has uncovered.

Indeed, the Medford Police Department FAILED to enforce the law with 
the embezzlement at a non-profit public access station in 2013, 
and I'm still trying to get a straight answer
from the AG's office on where the missing monies went.  

The MPD, in concert with a  board member from MCC TV3, 
City Solicitor Mark Rumley, swept it under the rug and
filed false charges (and they lost in criminal court,) on the investigator, me.

It was my investigation that forced then-mayor Michael J. McGlynn's 
hand and he finally had to shut the organization down on or about 
October 2013, with retired detective JJ McLean
phoning me in 2014 to say 


Records Division please note: McLean was paid $119,000.00 
at the time and it was HIS JOB,
not mine, to shut down that organization, 
yet the MPD allegedly was told "hands off," and left
it to a citizen to do the hard work and honest effort.

Death threats, a brick through my window 
and false charges is the hardball that
the MPD plays, and they are interfering in the public's right to know.  

Which they have a history of doing.

1)October 19, 2018 article
Police deflect claims of mishandled public records
Department lacked records officer for over a year, MPD says

MuckRock, a Boston-based investigative news site, received no responses for months – and in some cases, years – to 10 public records requests submitted to the Medford Police Department, according to a story published on By law, public records requests must be acknowledged within 10 business days.

2)  Despite recent reforms to the Massachusetts Public Records Law, MPD’s repeated violations highlights need for enforcement
Written by Sarika Ram
Edited by Beryl Lipton, JPat Brown

MuckRock provided its log of communications to the city on July 12th. Kimberly Scanlon, the records access officer for the City of Medford, forwarded this log to Elanor Whalen, the records access officer for the MPD, in an email that was also disregarded.
In a final attempt to receive an acknowledgement of pending requests, on July 19th, MuckRock physically brought into the station all pending requests, which Officer Thomas Maloney confirmed would be delivered to the records department.

So it is no surprise that an allegedly untrustworthy police officer, Lt. Casey, who shouldn't be touching public records, in this long-time 
journalist's opinion, is refusing to comply with the order.

These are delay tactics by a police department with a long history of
NOT complying with the public records law.  Indeed, Lt. Casey, as stated, and I'm stating again should
not be handling these matters as he is on the Brady/Giglio list of the
District Attorney Marian Ryan's office, which - as you know - is a "watch
list" "to keep track of police officers who have engaged in or
have been accused of misconduct."  

Medford Police Dept. has approximately 30 such officers on the Brady List,
the most of any department in Middlesex County.  Basically, one third of
the force is purportedly untrustworthy in a court of law.  Why should such
an individual be in charge of public records?   I also believe that Mr. Casey
is retaliating against me for publishing his name in a number of publications
that I either own or write for.   The Medford Police Department attempted to
stop my publication of a taxpayer-funded L'Italien Report for the same reasons
Casey is now citing "privacy."  Yet the Division granted my appeal and I 
published the report after death threats and a brick through my bedroom window,
when my new residence was not published publicly.

William J. Barabino, Esq. notes:

What is a Brady List?

A Brady List is a watch list that prosecutors use to keep track of police officers who have engaged in or have been accused of misconduct. The name comes from a 1963 US Supreme Court case called Brady v. Maryland, the first case to establish them. Only about half of the district attorney’s offices in Massachusetts keep Brady Lists.

So Medford City Hall FAILED in its attempt to shield Lt. Casey's appearance in the L'Italien Report,
but untrustworthy casey wants to shield the "privacy" of a public figure who went to the weekly paper
himself to confess what he did (to spin the article in his favor.)

Adam Knight went to the press.  Adam Knight opened the door and the public knows, 
and the police gave me only part of the police report, not the photographs.

I demand that the MPD comply with the order and give the hungry public, with its right to know,
the photographs to be able to fairly evaluate the temperament of an elected official who has
a history himself, like the MPD, of serious wrongful conduct.

Mr Knight's a public figure, so is Lt. Casey, so this is not a "personnel" or a "privacy"
issue, even if allegations are true that an attorney is allegedly pulling Lt. Casey's
puppet strings.  Heck, he's on the Brady list, what does Casey have to lose if the
allegations and assumptions are correct.

As with TV3, the city of Medford is pushing the goal post's back and breaking the law again,
in my opinion

Most respectfully,

Joe Viglione 

----- Forwarded Message -----

From: Joseph W. Casey <>
To: <>; Joe Viglione <>
Sent: Thursday, July 7, 2022 at 01:11:19 PM EDT
Subject: Fw: SPR22/1410 Appeal Acknowledgement


Supervisor of Records

Good Afternoon; Please see the attached response of the Medford Police Department for consideration regarding appeal SPR22/1410.


Lt. Joseph Casey

Medford Police Department