Friday, July 8, 2022

Councilor Knight: Public Nuisance, Public Menace Yesterday 657

 All Time 8:45 pm July 8 2022  2m267,478 @ 8:45 pm   Yesterday657


Public Records Officer, MPD Lt. Casey, 

doesn't seem to understand that KNIGHT is 

a PUBLIC figure and, thus, the PUBLIC

Records Law is about information / 

documents on PUBLIC (elected) officials.

The Year's Worst moments in Government Transparency.

Read this article:

But you know what definitely is not cool? Denying the public’s right to know. In fact, it suuucks. 

Since 2015, The Foilies have served as an annual opportunity to name-and-shame the uncoolest government agencies and officials who have stood in the way of public access. We collect the most outrageous and ridiculous stories from around the country from journalists, activists, academics, and everyday folk who have filed public records and experienced retaliation, over-redactions, exorbitant fees, and other transparency malpractice. We publish this rogues gallery as a faux awards program during Sunshine Week (March 14-20, 2021), the annual celebration of open government organized by the News Leaders Association.