Low Standards for police and elected officials doing Irreparable Harm to Medford
A Joe Viglione Essay
An eight page letter/document from MPD's Lt. Joseph Casey, dated June 16, 2022, was
rife with nutty excuses as to why the photographas of councilor Adam Knight's meltdown should
Tell me if you think the records officer wrote it, or maybe some rogue Beacon Hill lawyer?
Looks to me like the latter, but what do I know?
Casey signed his name to it and it failed. It was nuts...Casey first said "law enforcement" would be impeded if the photos got out before the magistrate hearing Sept. 24. You, dear voter, were not privy to a court hearing for a low-grade government official running for office. Oh, no, not the taxpayers! Don't let TAXPAYERS know, Joe, that Knight, controlling the media as a public figure telling his side, but not the truthful side, is running away from his wrongful conduct while running for office. What a cad.
And Lieutenant Casey? What a tool. Or at least his signature was a tool.
In the 8 pages above it seems to me Casey is talking about some sanctity for a magistrate hearing? Yeah, sanctity all right with whackjob court clerk Ted Tomasone given the boot after I warned people about Tomasone's lunacy for years. Well, what can one expect from a Brady/Giglio listed officer like Lt. Casey but this kind of deception and sleight of hand?
Which, as stated, didn't work out well for the skewed officer of the law.
8 pages of protesting too much and Adam Knight's photos are still in limbo because
I respectfully submit, the records officer is NOT doing his job for the public, nor is he protecting and serving anyone but the angry devil known as Adam Knight.
On July 5th the Secretary of State's office ignored the "gibberish" - that's what I called Casey's flailing etchings,
eight strikes and Casey-at-the-Bat is OUT, and so are the taxpayers out - a lot of money. Why? Because of Casey's
depravity and nonsense defending the indefensible, Adam Knight. The Records Division found in my favor, because
I am using the law and Casey is emulating the Keystone Cops. Just as with TV3, when the MPD failed, you could
rely on this reporter to clean up the swill. It took me a decade but I prevailed and, as retired officer John McLean
said to me after my total victory "The city is better off for it." Indeed.
So, quickly licking his wounds, the smartass, Brady-listed officer Casey, after losing, fires back on July 7th
the most bizarre answer to a public records request that I've ever received. Somehow, Brady-boy Casey is
connecting the accused murderer and innocent man, Willie Bennett, and a grand jury video, to Adam Knight
smashing a door at the Bank of America????
Why not cite Vladmir Putin's invasion of Ukraine too, while you are at it, Casey!
If it works, my appeal will be easy. But on its face it is nuts. And you, dear taxpayers, by not demanding higher
standards with so much Brady-infiltration at 100 Main Street, lose again.
"(c) personnel and medical files or information and any other
materials or data relating to a specifically named individual,
the disclosure of which may constitute an unwarranted
invasion of personal privacy; provided, however,
that this subclause shall not apply to records related to a
law enforcement misconduct investigation."
FROM MY READING OF THIS, Lt. Casey-Brady List, as I know call the untrustworthy
officer, is attempting to palm off a private, innocent citizen, William Bennett, falsely
accused by murderer Chuck Stuart, as in the same category as a violent public official,
Adam Knight, who admitted to smashing the door!!!
Read the new appeal here which I do NOT believe reaches the burden! In my
reporter's opinion, Casey-Brady has gone lower than the first 8 pages from June (see above)
that failed him. This one is Norman Bates material, Chief Buckley. What a crew!
What a gang of misfit Keystone Cops at 100 Main St.
Lt. Casey-Brady's new adventure down the alphabet. Casey's going to protect Knight no
matter what - if it takes him Exemptions A-Z, ripping off the taxpayers, dereliction of
the records officer's duty!
the sleeper awakes!
What is the meaning of sleepers awake?
The full title of the chorale prelude “Sleepers, Awake” is “Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme,” which is translated “Awake, the Voice is Calling.” The reference is to a biblical passage about the importance of being prepared – spiritually
Citizens simply MUST get angry, rise up and demand a REAL police chief,
a REAL group of officers who aren't named MacGilvray, Lebert, Sacco, etc. etc. etc.
in a city where a mayor named a school after dear old dad, the library after mommy, and stuck two of his
three children in it to teach at the school named after their grandpappy!!!
The chutzpah of no-shame-from-family-name Alan Doherty and "What? Me Worry??" Barry Clemente -
maybe fine cops, maybe not, at least not when Doherty showed up on Channel 5 with too much time on his hands,
not going to another city to work instead of remaining in Medford where brother (Doherty) and daddy (Clemente)*
(I believe Gerry Clemente to be Barry Clemente's dad, and Thomas Doherty to be Alan's brother, correct me if I'm wrong)
were the biggest and most celebrated criminals in the history of Medford. Thomas K. Doherty and Gerry Clemente made the
FBI Medford Mafia sting look like child's play by comparison.
How do you work in a city where your family name is so tainted? How shameless! And wasn't the Clemente/Doherty
ploy with their crimes, partially, to get other family members employed? That's my take on their sordid story...and if so,
it worked.
A Son of Sam law (also known as a notoriety-for-profit law) is an American English term for any law designed to keep criminals from profiting from the publicity of their crimes, often by selling their stories to publishers.
Not in the world of the corrupt McGlynn regime, certainly not in that environment.
Yet the nepotism of the McGlynn, Doherty, Clemente, MacGilvray, LeBert, Sacco
mess makes it more difficult for other candidates to get in the door. I could show legal papers on this, but the
essay is already long-in-the-tooth so let's make the point and move on.
The essay IS about the lack of higher standards for government officials in Medford
In Everett ex Medford employee Deanna Deveney was removed along with a city
councilor. It wasn't easy. The people came out and protested and finally the people were
I submit that it is the lack of public participation (admittedly stifled by an horribly
deficient city council and school commttee) that has led to the citizen malaise that allows
a monster like Nicole Morell to be the wicked witch. While giving the population that
syrupy-sweet smile that is her front. Low standards for Nicole and Zac, the highest of
standards for the people.
Currently in Medford, a Brady-listed public records officer is failing to meet the burden
of proof in a bizarre defense of councilor Adam Knight's wrongful conduct.
Knight, a total neanderthal with ice in his veins and total disrespect for the taxpayers
and citizens, is a joke in Medford. "Madame Knight" was what we dubbed him about
eight years ago, and it stuck to Adam like glue. I walk into Dunkin' Donuts on Salem
Street and a fellow buckles over saying "Madame Knight." Another fellow was gleeful
over in West Medford howling "Madame Knight, Madame Knight."
But Mr. Knight, rather than change his horrible ways, maybe take a class in diction,
or get his teeth whitened (no joke, Knight's teeth look like Captain Crunch yellow kernels,
all in a row,) he doesn't care about the public image as a suit-wrinkled,
slovenly clod with no self respect, and less respect for the city.
Much like Rick Caraviello.
The sheer ineptitude is mind boggling. But what is more head-scratcing is how
pathetic (and apathetic) the public is to paying these jokers obscene amounts of their
hard-earned cash. The citizens are the slackers in this case, allowing morons and
psychopaths to appear on the school committee and city council.
This long-time writer does NOT use these words lightly, nor am I joking.
Rick Caraviello and Adam Knight in particular, are sick individuals who are
---in the opinion of this writer --- anti-social, dangerous, ignorant, hostile
animals with no redeeming social qualities whatsoever. The two councilors
are leeches, and now a Brady-listed cop is doing his damndest to protect
Adam Knight's malfeasance from being evaluated by the voters.
Talk about failing to protect and serve! I think it is a flagrant violation
of the lieutenant's oath of office. What a pure dereliction of duty that
harms the public.
Lieutenant Joe Casey would be sanctioned were I the Chief, and expelled,
but not in the cesspool of Medford politics where no one but I, it seems, is
exasperated by the Brady culture proliferating at 100 Main Street, with the
most ignorant chief this side of the Mississippi.
And I am being as serious as a judge.
What is wrong with Christine Barber, Pat Jehlen, Sean Garballey and Rep Paul Donato to
completely ignore the insanity pervasive in Medford's political realm? A square that makes no sense,
parking that is now out to lunch, broken streets, an influx of new people packing into condos,
and an untrustworthy public records officer defending the alleged criminal councilor with the
most cockamamie ideas I've ever seen in response to public records requests.
Oh, and did I mention you have no real newspapers and zero public access television?
I've filed three responses to Mr. Casey's current goal-post-moving-malarkey. Hideously
invoking the death of Carol Stuart was a new low for Mr. Casey but, in all fairness, I don't
believe he wrote it. Methinks some lawyer on Beacon Hill might be, allegedly, pulling Casey's
strings and doing this incomprehensible dirty work. If so the lawyer should be disbarred, Charlie Baker,
and Casey should be given his pink slip. Because Lt. Casey is NOT helping out the taxpayers,
and the menace of Adam Knight, a true menace, is still not being held accountable for his violence IF his
two little children were victimized by hothead daddy driving off at a high rate of speed after
the temperamental buffoon had his way with a glass door at a bank.
Where is the outrage, Medford, for these low standards at the council, school committee
and police department. Absolutely no checks and balances, and bad behavior being the rule,
not the exception.
Stand up and fight, Medford. It is your money.
Joe Viglione
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