Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Isn't It Interesting How the Neighborhood Quiets Down on July 5 after you HAVE TO THREATEN A LAWSUIT

 Some witch called me "litigious"...

so I ended the forty year one-sided friendship in February

She's lost all the court cases she told me about.

No, fact is, I'm CIVIL.

Where a TV3 will spy on you and stalk you, I threw the first lawsuit at them.  And they are gone.

So call me effective, failed chiefs Sacco and Buckley

A friend of mine was being harassed by a woman, of course.

Gave him the legal links to lawyers and such to get professional assistance. He got a 209A on her immediately and his life is better

My friend Tony is, at this moment, in New Jersey, being stalked and threatened BY A MAYORAL CANDIDATE...I took screenshots of the craziness.

A mayoral candidate threatened to kill the former D.J.

Who is a very nice guy.  (update 11:10 am, Tony just wrote me, he treated the guy like a son, but the candidate is "bi-polar" and there you have it.  Sorry to say but anyone bi-polar can't be in my life; don't want to catch it by osmosis, y'know...)

My motto is "Go to court first, get the victory and shut their malfeasance down."  It's a hassle, but it is better than TV3 throwing rocks, isn't it?

10:57 am ...the loon downstairs is banging on the door to the crazed woman across the hall.  Hope it's his lawyer....nope, just another disabled fat guy.   They sure have quieted down.

Hurricane Joe is  PISSED and on the legal warpath.

"Just when I think I'm out, they pull me back in."
Michael Corleone

My goal is to be a recluse here.  I move in to an apartment with maniacs underneath me.

It sure is quiet today instead of the three ring circus.
Guess the landlords told them  to shut the fuck up, finally,

because yours truly issued the lawsuit notice.

That's not being litigious, that is being civil and proper.

Don't fuck with me.  I'm a nice guy who wants to focus on his music.
