Tuesday, July 5, 2022

2,266,020 all -time views 7:49 pm July 5 2022 Letter to Breanna: BREAKING: SEC OF STATE'S OFFICE ORDERS COUNCILOR ADAM KNIGHT BANK PHOTOS


Tue, Jul 5 at 3:38 PM

The Public Records Division of Secretary of State William Galvin's office has ordered
the Medford Police Department's Lt. Joseph W. Casey (on the Brady/Giglio list of D.A.
Marian Ryan's office) to allow the public to inspect the photos of disrespectful City Councilor  Adam 
Knight's rampage at the Bank of America on April Fool's Day of 2021.

It's been fifteen months and four days since the objectionable hot-head councilor went
on what the police called an act or acts of "wanton destruction."

The police report noted that Knight's alleged automobile fled "at a high rate of speed."

This writer submits two important thoughts:

a)Mr. Knight is required to hold himself to the highest of standards. Instead he's been
a bully, obstinate, has associated with the wrong people - highly disturbed  Matthew Page Lieberman
thrown off of the board of directors of the disgraced Medford Community Cablevision Inc.

Let that sink in, Page Lieberman was removed from the ugliest board, arguably, in Medford history,
and pals around with Mr. Knight.   See my photo of the pair together at city hall back in the day. (attached)

Page Lieberman was involved in an assault at city hall April 2010- front page of the Medford Transcript

b)The Medford Police Dept with its oath to protect and serve, should not bully the public
   over the L'Italien Report or Mr. Knight's wrongful conduct.  I have been bullied over these
   specific documents.  They want to deprive the public of vital information, especially regarding
   a city councilor.  The public denied the right to know the background of candidates they are voting for.

Indeed, in a civil society (which our Supreme Court is showing us that currently we have not,)
in a civil society the public lives, breathes and speaks, and the police protect and serve those

Adam Knight is disrespectful to the public he is paid to serve, so arrogant, full of himself,
and thinks he is on stage performing.  "I'm on a roll tonight" he mumbles at the council,
stripping resident rights away and failing to do anything but promote himself for the next election.

Birthday wishes, deathday wishes, Mr. Knight's list of motions, resolutions etc. published serve
Adam Knight, not the public.   But people do not take the time to go through the records, see
the multitude of failings of Mr. Knight, and with no access TV and certainly no media in 
Medford, these dishonest (notice the use of "allegedly dishonest" missing,) these dishonest
public officials rip the public off on a daily basis.

As a person, I love Breanna Lungo Koehn.  She's a terrific human being and I think she was
a wonderful city councilor.  

However, I take issue with her failure to shape the council and
school committee (in a good way) in the fashion that her antagonist, Michael J. McGlynn,
would shape the council and school committee in a nefarious way. 

Breanna doesn't have to, but it is her DUTY if she wants Charter Change, to borrow from
the McGlynn playbook and use the power she has in the correct way.

Anyone doubt that - were I mayor - things would be more focused and would benefit the public?

Just look at my public records requests.   They've done more to serve the public over the
past two decades than the entire (useless) Medford city council will ever do.

Having written about the council of Medford for the better part of twenty years, 
one wonders how Bob Maiocco with his Wells Fargo problems,
Paul A. Camuso with his temper tantrums, Fred Dello Russo Jr with his indifference
to the needs of the citizenry, unintelligent Richard F. Caraviello (Caraviello and Knight,
with so much public money, fail to go to Jenny Craig and an elocution class or two, 
they just look and act pathetic on camera) ...one wonders how the taxpayers of 
Medford fail to rein in the bullying, the stupidity and the arrogance?

Mike McGlynn sure had one big, long party (28 years) at your expense.
So jovial, so friendly-to-the-public, so politically correct, and such a malicious devil.
Adam Knight is no good for Medford, and Adam probably reads the writing on the wall,
that Our Revolution is looking to knock him off of his perch on the council.  Knight can
delude himself that he's PART of Our Revolution, but delusions are Mr. Knight's specialty.

Along with smashing a bank door.  And fleeing, the coward.  On April Fool's Day!

Lt. Casey, time to pay for your venial sins, please do as ordered by the office of the
Secretary of State.  Time for you to protect and serve.

Note:  Venial Sin: 
  1. denoting a sin that is not regarded as depriving the soul of divine grace.


Joe Viglione