Saturday, July 2, 2022

Nicole Morell is a MONSTER 12:52 pm Saturday July 2 2022 All Time2265006 Two Million, Two Hundred Sixty-Five Thousand and Six page views

 All Time2265006   Two Million, Two Hundred Sixty-Five Thousand and Six page views

Looking like a trashy tramp, Nicole has the reins of power at the city council and is acting like a petulant five-year old.

Zero respect, boot-licking like the other members of Our Revolution.... they WILL replace fat boy Scarpelli, obese, obnoxious and criminal Richard F (for fxxng FRAUD) Caraviello, and motor-mouth robber-of-bank-door Madame Knight, with similar types, like felonious criminal Paul Ruseau

Packing on a few pounds, Nicole?  It ain't by osmosis.  Indeed, Justin Tseng looks like he's a BIG Dunkin' Donuts patron

That Kit Collins, keep your eye on her, NOT to be trusted.   Scam artists all.