Trump couldn't handle COVID, let's be factual without the opinion, Trump didn't have the experience and the economy got hit hard. All I know is that when Clinton worked WITH the Republicans, we had a surplus; when a GOP Secretary of State stole the election for Bush when Gore had popular vote Dick Cheney stole the surplus; Obama had to clean the mess up, Trump doesn't win popular vote, makes a mess, Biden has to clean it up. Your wallet would have been much better with the Clinton/Republican surplus; the GOP doesn't want to work with us. If we could communicate, great, but my dear friend Joe Black exemplifies it: no talking louder than everyone, no matter how wrong you are. But what do I know, I've only written 20,000 articles, exposed 117 cops in Middlesex County, and take on police chiefs and mayors...and they are DEMOCRATS. So don't call me out when I truly am "fair and balanced."
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