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Thursday, December 31, 2015
572,006 All-Time Page Views
By Information Central December 31, 2015
572,143@4:38 am
572,075@1:39 am
572,011 @ 10:50 PM
572,006 @ 10:45 pm
146 since 7 pm
225 minutes, 146 page views
Thank you for spending your New Year's Eve with
215@1;39 am
Writing to Lawyers about Frederick Dello Russo's behavior at the City Council
By Information Central December 31, 2015
571,977@10:18 pm
571,941 @ 9:38 pm
571,908@ 8:25 pm
571,743 @ 4:26 pm
571,558@2:08 pm
138 minutes; 185 page views
Dear Medford Attorney:
On Tuesday, January 5, 2015, there are two important petitions for every business, civic group and citizen in Medford.
In the past, the city council of Medford, most...
City Council 16-008, #16-009 Tuesday January 5, 2016 ALDEN CHAMBERS
By Information Central December 31, 2015
571,558 @ 2:08 pm
571,536 all-time page views 1:50 pm
571,529 @ 1:41 pm
22 page views/18 minutes 2:08 pm
It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it
General MacArthur
At the city council we discussed the widest range of latitude for free speech, and that unqualified imbecile Dello Russo, riding on the coat-tails of his
family business, thinks he controls Medford and free speech?
City Council Agenda for January...
City Council Agenda - NO CONFIDENCE VOTE in Dello Russo
By Information Central December 31, 2015

571,523 @ 1:27 pm
It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it
General MacArthur
It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it
General MacArthur
It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it
General MacArthur
It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it
General MacArthur
It is fatal...
Top 9 on New Year's Eve
By Information Central December 31, 2015
Top 9 by Reader Views on
New Year's EVE! 2015
What Do Paul Camuso and I agree on? How Silly Mi...
Dec 26, 2015
Disability Chair Rachel Tanenhaus FALSELY ACCUSING...
Dec 26, 2015
Dishonest Camuso and Dello Russo TERRIFIED about V...
Dec 28, 2015
Medford's Destiny, Our Destiny
Dec 27, 2015
Questions from the Transition Team
Dec 28, 2015
Did a Deacon play with Child Porn and Get Away...
New Alden Chambers Movie Series - Mrs. Burke, Dello Russo, reboots, remakes
By Information Central December 31, 2015

571,315 @ 6:11 am
571,299 @ 5:33 am 12/31/15
356 since 7 pm 12/30
new film series in Alden Chambers since the current council and mayor don't give a damn about the Chevalier
January 3, 2016, the new Medford Film Festival in Alden Chambers, with special guest MCs' Dawn Natalia and Kerry Kavanaugh
Creepy indigent person played by Arthur Alan...
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Stephen LeBert to do Remake of Frank Sinatra Film A HOLE IN THE HEAD!
By Information Central December 30, 2015
571,241 @ 12 am
298 @ midnight
300 minutes, 298 hits
1959 film 'A HOLE IN THE HEAD"
was rebooted on July 26, 2015, this time Frank Sinatra's role was replaced by former Detective Stephen LeBert.
It cost him his job, but he's world famous
starring Stephen LeBert
Medford Mass Detective Threatens to Execute Motorist Over...
Who does this sound like?
By Information Central December 30, 2015
571,190 @ 11:08 pm
Dr. Wooden Nickel might sue for clothing plagiarism!!!
Bill Cosby reportedly:
"wearing a bulky
sweater and carrying a cane."
Ho Hum, just another night at the Medford City Council......
By Information Central December 30, 2015
571,184 @ 11:03
571,161 @ 10:48 pm
561,024@8:03 pm
219 page views in 228 minutes
almost a page view a minute
241 @ 11:03 pm
243 minutes, 241 page views
Brian Burke lawsuit: B.C. court grants him permission to sue online
Brian Burke has won the right to serve notice online that he is suing 18 anonymous people.
A B.C....
571 Thousand Page Views
By Information Central December 30, 2015
561,024@8:03 pm
571,0o2. 7:46 pm
Medford's only independent voice
Court says low life Brian S Burke
didn't violate Canon of Ethics by calling editor a motherfucker
Burke actually didn't violate the Canon of Cronyism but I believe he DID violate canon of ethics.
What Does Burke think this is? A Varsity baseball game??
Junior Varsity Head Coach: TBA
Hey Uncle Roy, like, how long does it take to find...
Jenna writes to Bill
By Information Central December 30, 2015
570,900 @ 5:36 pm
570,892 @ 5:27 pm
Dear Bill,
Italy is lovely this time of year.
Come visit.
Love,Jenna Tarabelsi
Former Medford High School alleged Predator/Teacher
in association with Archbishop Cardinal Law
(Hey? Do you have to say "alleged" when they allegedly fled the country?)
Dear Bill,
See if you can get the case moved up to Middlesex Superior Court. Assistant Clerk Brian S. Burke could be very...
Muccini-Burke's VENDETTA against the city of Medford
By Information Central December 30, 2015
570,879 @ 5:02 pm
570,840 @ 3:57 pm
"She won't dish the dirt/with the rest of those girls"
I'm reviewing a double disc Frank Sinatra DVD.
He's singing THE LADY IS A TRAMP! as I type this.
No, no, no, Stephanie, I don't believe it's a coincidence.
You'd have to be a lady in order for the coincidence to be real.
And a lady you are not, though via those hate calls against your opponent, you certainly...
Union Blood Money Mrs Burke, Madame Knight
By Information Central December 30, 2015
570,753@1:58 pm
Boston Globe Dec 30
Page 1. Ugly
E-mails detail effort to quell ‘Top Chef’ dispute
The exchange was part of a series of e-mails released to
reporters this week in response to a public records request, and the
missives show the behind-the-scenes efforts of city officials,
Teamsters, and “Top Chef” producers to resolve a nasty labor dispute —
one that eventually led to a federal indictment of five Teamsters in...
A NO CONFIDENCE VOTE against Frederick N. Dello Russo, Jr.
By Information Central December 30, 2015
570,701 @ 12:19 pm
570,675 @ 11:27 am
570,653 @ 11:12 am
22 page views, 15 minutes 11:27
The vetting of the Muccini-Burke
"transition team" continues.
1)Camuso got to go. Throw the bum out.
Mentally unstable chair of the transition team, oh that's brilliant Stephanie. What's next? Your husband going to teach Emily Post etiquette rules at the McGlynn School?
I've gotta get out more...
By Information Central December 30, 2015
570,520 @ 12:54 am
570,402 @ 12:32 am
18 hits in 22 minutes after midnight.
"My day beats your year" Lou Reed
ain't it the truth!
This blog may be delusional, but this is an honest-to-God true story...
...a good friend wanted to get together, so we went to an Irish bar for dinner. It was fun...told him I was going into Boston (a rare event, even rarer on this icy night) but he had to get home.
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Mr. Scarpelli, we found a new coaching job for you...
By Information Central December 29, 2015
570,231 @ 8:05 pm
Police: 3 Tennessee high school basketball players charged with raping, assaulting teammate -
file under: Wear those SCARpelli scars for life!
The statement says staff at LeConte Medical Center called officers
Dec. 23 after a male juvenile who had been assaulted was brought there
by his basketball coach.
Police say the boy was in Gatlinburg for a tournament with teammates from Ootelwah High School in Hamilton County.