City seeking proposals for Residential Curbside Organics Collection Service. RFPs available at www.medfordma.org.
Residents invited to submit feedback on a potential composting program via online survey.
The City of Medford is exploring the option of offering a residential curbside composting program, beginning in Spring 2021. Through a Request for Proposals released on March 1, the City is seeking proposals from companies that offer subscription organics collection to Medford residents. The City is also seeking feedback from Medford residents about interest in a curbside composting program, as well as feedback from residents who currently utilize a private service. Residents are invited to take a survey at https://tinyurl.com/medford-compost, or by contacting the Office of Community Development at ocd@medford-ma.gov or 781-393-2480. Proposals from potential vendors are due to the City’s Purchasing Department on March 22, 2021.
Composting is a process of recycling organic matter, like leaves and food scraps, creating a rich dirt mixture, frequently used by gardeners. Composting can involve putting these materials in a separate container to naturally break down, to be picked up on a regular basis by a contracted company. This process can reduce the amount of material deposited in the City’s trash stream.
“This is an exciting possibility for the City of Medford, and one that I know many residents have been asking about. I am really looking forward to seeing the proposals we receive and hopefully being able to implement the program this spring,” said Mayor Lungo-Koehn. “On a personal level, I hope that my family and I can finally begin to compost at our own home.”
“Curbside collecting of compostable materials is a great option for many Medford residents, particularly for those who are trying to be a ‘Zero-Waste Household’ as you can include many things that would not be appropriate in backyard composting,” said Alicia Hunt, Acting Director of the City’s Offices of Community Development and Energy & Environment. “I’m looking forward to being able to recommend a company to the Medford community for this service!”
If a vendor is selected following the RFP process, the City will not directly fund the program but will connect interested residents with the selected vendor for private curbside composting pickup, at a pre-determined cost. The City is seeking a contractor to provide a weekly subscription service from all households, including multi-family residences.
To take our survey, visit https://tinyurl.com/medford-compost.
For more information on composting, visit our Frequently Asked Questions at https://tinyurl.com/medford-compostFAQ, or contact the Office of Community Development at ocd@medford-ma.gov or 781-393-2480.
Medford city services are available to all residents, regardless of economic situation, race, gender, immigration status, ability, benefit eligibility, or religious affiliation.
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