Thursday, April 22, 2021

DINNER WITH UNCLE BOB Breanna Lungo-Koehn Poetry Corner


Y'all know I NEVER go out drinking!

This is what happens when I do!

Blame the Corona!     About 5:30 pm...

Like you're in a horror movie

badly spliced

the pasty-faced old man

truly Poltergeissed!

the hair once flowing

must be in remission

a by-product of / the Cemetery Commission

the old council disappeared

I must have scared them all away

they love each race, color and creed

they just hate you if you're gay

I heard him say his nephew's name

damn, no corn on the cob

about 5:30 pm 

Dinner with / your Uncle Bob


Let bygones be bygones

and never ask why

after all our time together

he didn't even say HI

another lost old friend

but you won't hear me sob

from gigolo to Dingolo

Din Din with Uncle Bob
