Tuesday, April 20, 2021

The Real Paper, March 31, 1979 --- Forty Two Years Ago - What Becomes a Legend Most?

 "Speaking of stars close to home the noble Count Viglione's album on Flamingo/Carrere (I'm a Star) includes all the hits that helped spawn his legend. "Morn of the Confrontation" and "Run The Night Away" Highly recommended as are the recently released by the ...ubiquitous trombonist Bob Brookmeyer "Back Again,(Sonet) and The Bob Brookmeyer Small Band (Gryphon" 

Mark Rowland of The Real Paper, 

March 31, 1979

Mr. Rowland went on to write for


Meanwhile, my column was in


Prolific! People

Andy Mendelson on Arista

My first engineer on the single that landed me my record deal (an e.p., actually)

Both reviewed in the same paper