Friday, April 30, 2021

Stick A Fork in the Political Career of Adam Knight: CITY COUNCIL MALFEASANCE HAS BURST THE BUBBLE

10:00 am on Friday April 30, 2021...Adam Knight's Last April as a Politician

  One Million, 

Eight Hundred Thirty Seven Thousand

and One - Your - Page View. Amazing.


A city council president FLEEING the Bank of America, allegedly, the police calling the destruction of the bank door "wanton" ...the police making a DETERMINATION that the COUNCIL VICE PRESIDENT could have endangered others... flying into the eyes of victims because of another trademark TEMPER TANTRUM from Adam Knight.

See, Adam thinks the world revolves around him and his yellow-stained teeth, but yellow reverberates through the entire body of the creepy scoundrel, and infects the city council that he sits on.

Yellow-bellied (and their bellies are pretty big Mr. Marks, Mr. Scarpelli, Mr. Caraviello...) the FRIGHTFUL FOUR out of a Marvel Comics magazine. 

Once Toxic Adam Knight exits, the other zucchini-brains, Caraviello, Scarpelli and Marks can make their exit too.

And Term Limits, a thing of beauty, will come in to remove the poisonous venom dripping from the stuttering morons, Knight and Caraviello

For that much money they can't even take elocution classes!    They are lame,  they are pollutants, stick a fork in their political careers.

Medford has had ENOUGH