Sunday, July 25, 2021

Why Petrella Will Lose Election, But Could Screw It Up for Falco: Geoff Diehl on OTR Channel 5 this morning

962 @ 2:46 pm  152 views in 126 minutes

3:50 pm   1,009 47 views in 64 minutes

810 @ 12:40 pm


 The Kiss of Political Death in Medford is siding with that lying, thieving Donald Trump

Petrella, Patricia Brady Doherty, lockstep with Donald Trump together show a lack of intelligence.

Geoff Diehl was an idiot Sunday morning political talk 7-25-21 on OTR ...On the Record, not knowing if Trump orchestrated the Jan 6, 2021 massacre in Congress (Trump was fully to blame.)  Channel 5

It's a joke and not even worth wasting breath on, Kelly.

Trump sucks.  End of story.