Saturday, February 26, 2022

Caraviello: A Fat, Stupid Vladmir Putin with No Brains

 Low self-image Caraviello is a Fat, Stupid Vladmir Putin with no brains.

How can Medford have the obese clown Caraviello involved in Medford politics?

Vladmir Scarpelli ...the joke of Medford

Chunky CaraviKlunkee on the Warpath

The son of a bitch Caraviello lied to the Medford police and used creepy Kevin "Don't Touch Me There" Faller and Nazi-baldy Paul Covino to do his dirty work against a gay senior citizen.

For Covino it was his desperate Deliverance "squeal like a piggy" moment aligning himself with corrupt Caraviello.  


To have the dirty, slimy slug thug Caraviello in power while his bufu buddy Madame Knight is smashing into bank doors is a reflection of you, Medford, for allowing these crazed mini-dictators to flourish.

Opening the door for that other bore, the boar known as ZAC BEARS

Read it and weep:

Isaac B. Bears II in a casual moment