Friday, February 11, 2022

George Scarpelli in Otis Mass and the Woburn High School Locker Room Hazing


2/11/22 - 9:10PM
The Boston Globe has a story today on Pope Benedict's betrayal of children (Benedict is no better Updated February 11, 2022, 7:00 a.m.) If a powerful church covers up these sometimes violent crimes you see the opportunity for violent behavior comes from those in authority turning a blind eye. You think a school committee or a city council wants to step in when keeping silent pays dividends (votes; donations to campaigns.) Woburn has had bullying from the library (in the 1990s) to this ugly story today. Medford had to shut down a public access station due to racism and gay slurs, one of the city councilors in a story on the front page of the Boston Globe regarding a hazing incident in Otis, MA with the councilor as an alleged "chaperone." See his vulgar mouth in a lawsuit that followed. With 117 untrustworthy officers in Middlesex County on D.A. Marian Ryan's Brady list (30 or so in Medford alone,) just try filing with the office of the Attorney General (or D.A.'s office) and see how far you get. That's why these problems proliferate. No one in Medford knew a city councilor smashed a Bank of America door on April Fool's Day 2021 until this writer's public records request. No one knew he was dragged in on a criminal complaint in Somerville Court that was hushed up. Were his own kids in the allegedly speeding car? This writer isn't allowed to speak at the city council ...they just break the law so I don't ask if they are voting on their own pay raise this year! So subversive, right? That's why these problems exist. Hold the mayors, councilors, school committee, coaches and violent kids accountable. With Sgt. Schultz seeing "nothing, nothing," things will stay the same...and get worse.