Thursday, February 10, 2022


 Mr. Viglione:

The Medford Housing Authority currently posts MHA public meetings at the following locations:

    Medford Housing Authority website
    Medford Housing Authority Administrative office lobby at 121 Riverside Avenue
    Medford Housing Authority's eight housing developments
    Medford City Hall
    Medford Police Station

Jeffrey L. Driscoll, Esq.
Executive Director

Hello Mr. Driscoll,

It would be appropriate to post upcoming meetings front and center
on the MHA website so citizens don't have to be Detective Paul Drake
to tell Perry Mason where and when the upcoming meetings are.

ZOOM would be nice...why audio only?

Clearly the public is not happy as the mayor noted she is fielding complaints.
Housing is such an urgent matter, it would be wise to not have to have the
public go searching for information it needs.

Barbara Vivian and the gang can't blame me when a mayor notes that
she's fielding complaints too.

For example,
I see there's only audio of the January 3 2022 meeting in two parts.  Why not Zoom?

People aren't going to go to the bulletin board at the police station or city hall,
not in the era of posting events online.   I had a sold-out event at a nightclub 
on December 16th 2021 by getting the information in the media, a nice
article in the Boston Herald, and good old fashioned hard work.

But that's me.  We had a line out the door. I have photographs.

And I didn't even have to comply with the Open Meeting Law, it was
just hard work and honest effort that got the word out on Twitter and Facebook
and in the press. will give you details on the
promotional work I do. Front page and center.

I personally videotaped a couple of MHA meetings and the public responded in a positive way.
Cannot volunteer every meeting at my age.

One of my videos resulted in the Governor (Deval Patrick) removing Gene McGillicuddy
from the MHA board as it was a conflict.  Ex Solicitor Rumley jumped up to object AFTER claiming
that MHA is a "separate body politic."  Why do I have to police a city solicitor AND the MHA
board?   Governor Patrick removed Mr. McGillicuddy (a man I liked; knew him from TV3,)
but clearly, Mayor McGlynn was using his old uncle for a nefarious purpose.  No "allegedly nefarious"
necessary, it was downright wrong.

Guess I'll have to file a public records request

Medford Housing Authority is a mess.  

In fact, had Mike Luongo spent more time working than following me around,
same with Lisa Tonello and her husband, I wouldn't be suspicious that something
very awkward was and is going on.

I go to Panera in Woburn and, golly gee, Mr. Luongo shows up right next to me,
repeatedly.  So many times I thought we were dating!  Amazing, the exact 
moment I show up, Mr. and Mrs. Luongo decide to sit next to me.  Did they
have GPS on my car or something???

I go to Carroll's and...golly gee....Mark Tonello and Lisa show up...
sitting right next to me.   Mr. Tonello chastising Lisa for ordering another drink,
rudely.     Market Basket, Mr. & Mrs. Luongo, I stopped going to Panera Woburn
and started going to Medford and wasn't being followed anymore.  It was creepy.

I don't believe in coincidences, do you?

In the parking lot at Target (when it was Stop and Shop) and Mr. and Mrs. Luongo roll down the window,
Mr. Luongo telling me he is quitting the MHA board (????) and Mrs. Luongo telling me to stop criticizing Donald Trump

Is this the reward for videotaping board meetings?    Mark Tonello was clearly intimidating me with Rick Caraviello.
Caraviello yelling in my window at Central St. and Spring?  How old are Tonello and Caraviello?  7 going on 5?

As Will Smith says in I Robot "I can't be this unlucky."

Respectfully this is the request:

Post meetings so that we don't need to do a January 6 investigation in order to find out when meetings are.

Put them on ZOOM

All due respect but it just seems like a clandestine operation rather than housing for the public.

WHY did this journalist have to contact Deval Patrick to have uncle Gene McGillicuddy removed
in order for Bob Covelle to be removed?   That's NOT how Public Housing should be, and I 
respectfully request you remove some of the cronies and replace them with individuals who care
about human beings, quality living, and not just themselves.  

If you know what I mean, which I'm sure you do.

Mayor Breanna Lungo Koehn please take not because the city council won't.

And MHA is not a separate entity from Medford.  How can it be with MEDFORD in its very title.

I'll give you my $300.00 a week rate for publicity, Mr. Driscoll, and I assure you,
after forty-six years in P.R. and handling recordings by members of the Rolling Stones and the Beatles,
you'll get lots of good, positive outreach for upcoming board meetings.

The public will be delighted.


Joe V.