Friday, March 18, 2022

a tipster wants to know why an embattled business owner at hoff's bakery Vincent Frattura is person of the year in medford 2022 ? Medford Chamber of Horrors

2,200,111 @ 10:30 am 3-18-22

From tipster:
Way to go, Medford Chamber of Commerce: their 2022 Citizen of the Year, Vincent Frattura, not only moved his company, Hoff's Bakery, out of Medford (to Malden), but he also, according to employees, allegedly fired all of its immigrant workers (despite getting $1.2 million from the Paycheck Protection Program).

a tipster wants to know why an embattled business owner at hoff's bakery is person of the year in medford 2022


We hope you can join us at the 94th annual chamber banquet wherein we will install Board Members to the Chamber of Commerce and recognize Citizens of the Year and Scholarship recipients. We are happy to award the Citizens of the Year for 2020, 2021 and 2022 at this event. Congratulations to the following Citizens of the Year:
2020 - All Covid-19 First Responders
2021 - Sam Tarabelsi
2022 - Vincent Frattura

Tell owner Vincent Frattura: Meet with unjustly fired workers

check this out

from one of our tipsters: At the beginning of 2020, before the pandemic, Hoff’s Bakery fired dozens of its immigrant womxn workers that had dedicated 7-13+ years of work to the family business. Hoff's Bakery was founded 33 years ago by Vincent Frattura and his wife, Donna. Hoff’s originally operated out of a 30,000 square-foot facility in Medford until March 2016 when they relocated to a 100,000 square-foot facility in Malden, a 19.5 million dollar investment supported in part by Economic Incentive Program Tax Credits.

Despite the family values Vincent claims to hold close, Hoff’s fired a group of long-time workers and had them apply through a temp agency, Masis Staffing Solutions. Since the pandemic has pushed thousands of black and brown womxn out of the workforce, the immigrant womxn workers were left with few options; in order to continue working after their terminations at Hoff’s, they were instructed to apply for employment under Masis Staffing. After 2 months of working at Hoff’s under Masis Staffing, they were fired without explanation.

We have asked Vincent Frattura multiple times to have an hour long meeting with the womxn that have been out of work and have been struggling to feed and keep their children warm and safe during the pandemic. We are demanding a meeting to obtain an explanation for the blatant disregard for the livelihood of these families. We are also asking that Vincent provide restitution in the form of severance pay.