Saturday, March 26, 2022

Written Apology to Breanna and Neil

Sat, Mar 26 at 11:00 AM

 Dear Breanna and Neil,

A FORMER confidential informant who claims to have been a past member of the
Medford Chamber of Commerce gave me incomplete information, and wrong info,
it seems (though I always write "allegedly" or "rumor" if need be) regarding some
frog-marching yesterday (3/26/22) that another source claims did not happen.

"Harold Square" seems to have an issue with you, Mr. Osborne and Harry MacGilvray.

So that person is now blocked.

I understand there was some issue at the office of Treasurer-Collector
but that no one was fired.

With little news getting out in Medford, and zero public access television,
I work hard to make sure the information is correct.  This one slipped through,
and despite the use of the word "alleged" it is important for everyone that
the readers get the best information we have to offer.

If the information is even slightly wrong we will apologize and
make sure the readers get the truth

If you have a statement on the Treasurer-Collector issue 
send it along.   Thank You.


Joe Viglione
Editor and Publisher
Medford Information Central 


----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Harold Square <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2022, 04:21:29 PM EDT
Subject: Another firing at Medford City Hall

Heard it from a very reliable source that Mayor Miss Muffett and her hatchet man Neil Osborne had another employee frog marched out of City Hall this morning, this time from the Treasurer/Collector's office. Is it any wonder no one wants to come work for the city of Medford?