Thursday, March 31, 2022

Boston Globe Writes Puff Piece Defending Indefensible Tufts Students....Shameful

 Tufts students have been vile and obnoxious.  They harassed MULTIPLE people back in 2000, leaving the radio station on, not following the rules.  One whistleblower reported them to the FCC Again (they were well known at the Federal Communications Commission) forcing the university allegedly to pay thousands of dollars for the juvenile delinquent missteps.  They abused the music director who was a very kind person, causing emotional distress.  His girlfriend was distraught by the abuse.  Then the university - which claims to NOT be surrogate parents, becomes a surrogate parent hiring fancy lawyers when a student gets sued.  B.R. up at Tufts is hideous with his track record of misbehaving students. This is a very poorly written article by the Globe defending the indefensible.  Calling Rizkallah "litigious" for having the courage to get more Tufts Student misconduct on record is shameful.

Somerville orthodontist and landlord sues Tufts student journalists over story on renters’ protest