Thursday, April 28, 2022

“The $3.5 million project is being funded with a HUD Section 108 loan, a city bond backed by Community Preservation Act funds, and a private foundation grant that will cover the cost of the synthetic turf,” Deborah Burke, director of the Malden Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development, said in an e-mail.


large section of Roosevelt Park in Malden, adjacent to the K-8 Salemwood School, is fenced off with warning signs stating it contains hazardous waste: dangerous levels of lead.

Neighborhood residents and city officials agree the contaminated soil — identified in 2009 — must go, but when and what it will be replaced with has ignited a heated debate focused on environmental justice.  Turf vs. grass feud at park adjacent to school continues in Malden (

Turf vs. grass feud at park a  djacent to school continues in Malden

Linda Greenstein - Yesterday 11:47 AM