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Friday, January 31, 2020
Trooper-Gate Continues
By Information Central January 31, 2020
1,532,168@6:51 pm
729 since last night
From 2 of our readers. One writes “great minds think alike”
Mayor Breanna Lungo-Koehn Sends Resolution to the City Council
By Information Central January 31, 2020

1,532,063 all-time page views 2:15 pm
624 since 7 pm last night
City Council Feb 4 Tuesday
By Information Central January 31, 2020

Leave it to Beaver meets Perry Mason
By Information Central January 31, 2020
Too funny,
MeTV Leave it to Beaver is on...I'm writing this blog, and suddenly the music is dramatic and some woman is trying to play the races...and hire Perry Mason for $27.00...while Beaver owed the record company over $17.00...
Why don't they merge the two shows!Now THAT would be interesting...
We're Doing Patrick Gorgon's Job for Him At the All-New (NOT!) TV3 Medford
By Information Central January 31, 2020
He's Big Steve Marra Only Half as Fat!
we are the Mad Magazine of Medford Politics
"You Won. You Won...and the City is better off for it" Damn straight, JJ McLean and if you did your job we'd be producing access TV and not having to expose the (you know what word I want to use... eight letters, begins with C and ends...
Is Patrick Gordon the "Eddie Haskell" of Public Access Television
By Information Central January 31, 2020
1,531,894 @ 8:50 am
455 since 7 pm last night
Eddie Haskell of Leave it to Beaver...
Wikipedia calls Haskell a "sycophant" ...
Eddie wouldn't be a model to their children but someone to show what not
to do. Even today, the term "Eddie Haskell" is known to refer to an
insincere flatterer or a sycophant.
Sucking up to a dolt like Stephanie Muccini-Burke is NOT public access television.
Gordon cares only...
Thursday, January 30, 2020
By Information Central January 30, 2020
1,531,439 @ 7:06 pm
Jan 30 at 6:03 PM
Dear Mr. Viglione:
Please be advised that our Non-Profit Organizations/
Public Charities Division (NPCD) is redacting the records
that the Attorney General’s Office offered to provide to you.
As we previously stated in our January 14, 2020 letter –
this process requires some time because these are...
12/9/19 School Committee Meeting Posted This Week - wow, a MONTH AND A HALF LATER
By Information Central January 30, 2020
1,530,578@4:25 pm
1,530,480 @ 1:15 pm
1,530,469 @ 12:53 pm
1,530,446 @ 12:26 pm
23 views in 27 minutes...a lot more than the TV3 videopage!
Negligent Sloppy Work at MCM
Poor Work Ethic
Another BAD station manager
School Committee from 12/9/19 posted around today or yesterday, 1/30/2020 Stephanie Muccini-Burke chair. What the heck? A month and a half later?
We need professionalism at the TV station
Public Records Request #!, Phase 1 - the Removal of Station Manager from TV 3 / MCM for FAILURE TO PERFORM
By Information Central January 30, 2020
1,530,398 @ 11:26 amPatrick Gordon's Failure to Perform
Keeper of the Records
Mayor of Medford
85 George P. Hassett Drive
Medford, MA 02155
RE: Patrick Gordon's Contract, Job Description, CORI check waiver, etc.
Dear Keeper of the records
is a request for public records pursuant to G.L. c. 66 § 10. Please
supply copies or make available for inspection public records containing
the following information:
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Fire TV3's Patrick Gordon - Medford Anti-Community Media
By Information Central January 29, 2020
1,529,423 @ 11:45 pm
Access TV Legend Joe Fortunato Endorses Good-For-Nothing
Patrick Gordon
Someone Must Have Slipped
Something into the Punch
at the Inauguration
Joe Photo Getting Punchy...
Oh, you can't take classes at TV3?
That's because Pat Gordon can't get off of his lazy ass to actually reach out to the community.
Mr. Gordon's Job Description
and his contract
will be...
Our Radio / TV Mission for Medford
By Information Central January 29, 2020
My mission is to create a realistic and welcoming community radio and television station.
Right now you have a better chance of bumping into the old members of MCC TV3 than realistically meeting new people and sharing ideas on sports, politics, baking, sewing, gardening ...all the good stuff access is supposed to be about...
Medford Community Media Asked to Join our Politics Page !
By Information Central January 29, 2020
1,529,352 @ 6:54 pm
Medford Community Media has asked to join our little group. I've accepted the station that asks members for a CORI check when other stations located at schools - Burlington, Wakefield, etc. do not.
Indeed, the law is unsupervised contact with children. Management is paid a lot of money to supervise the station.
With the city solicitor retired I have asked the mayor to remove that cockamamie rule a lawyer dreamed up to...
Discussion on Access TV on Facebook
By Information Central January 29, 2020
Joe V's Responses
I was the sole person to respond to Mayor McGlynn's RFP Request for Proposals. I applied for the job in 2005, but the old TV3 did NOT want experienced professionals. The kid they hired had never worked in access television and allegedly ran out of the room in hysterics because he couldn't put a tripod together. Nice guy, I got along with him, he left and went to Boston Neighborhood Network but didn't last long. Then TV3 hired...
Public Interest Strong in L'Italien Report, School and TV3 NEW TOP 10 +
By Information Central January 29, 2020
New Top 10 +
L'Italien Report more than DOUBLE the huge numbers for Mayor meets Edouard-Vincent
Police Issues Loom over Chief Buckley
You Cannot BELIEVE the Waterfall of Information coming in ...Buckley is NOT very popular in the city of Medford ...allegedly, not even with the officers! that are "his" crew.
John, they might actually not be your "crew" at all! Not from what we are there a Mutiny coming to the Bounty?
Chicken and Rice Guys Closes
By Information Central January 29, 2020
1,529,138 @ 11:07 am
29,138 after we hit 1.5 million...thank you, readers!
Patch article - Chicken and Rice Guys Closes
The candidate for city council was at the Inauguration handing out delicious food.
Too bad they didn't find another area of Medford to move to.
Too bad the dude didn't replace Caraviello on the city council...but there's always a councilor-impeachment kind of deal for someone as nasty as Caraviello, isn't there?Caraviello...
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Review of the City Council Photo on the City Web Page
By Information Central January 28, 2020
1,528,978 @ 9:07 pm
99 @ 9:07 pm ---127 minutes.
Oh My God!
Flanked by Zac Bears and George Scarpelli, it looks like a sumo wrestler audition!
Nicole is thinking under her breath "Why am I standing next to this tall geek with a stupid smirk?" meaning Madame Knight and...Michael Marks is almost the exact height as John Falco, with John Falco being...
Police Dept, TV3 and the School System
By Information Central January 28, 2020
1,528,970 @ 8:36 pm
91 views in 96 minutes! @ 8:36 pm from 7 pm
600 views yesterday
TITLE: Bear with me as we go down memory lane and then we'll get to how the school system, the MPD ( Medford Police Dept. ) and TV3 are all entangled with each other!__________________________________
When I graduated Arlington High in 1972 after one year at Arlington Catholic High with abusive nuns...
Response from School Dept. Thank You Mayor Lungo-Koehn
By Information Central January 28, 2020
1,528,865 @ 6:39 pm
We have received a response with information on an employee hired in October 22, 2018. There are thirty-five pages.
The employment was in the Business Office,
job title Administrative Assistant.
I do not want to name the employee, but what our readers want to know is why this individual came and went so quickly. There was a similar come and go with a varsity coach shrouded in mystery.
Philosopher Joe V Quote on Hitler and Trump
By Information Central January 28, 2020
1,528,629 @ 11:31 am ...
Mayor to Meet with School Superintendent
By Information Central January 28, 2020
1,528,573 @ 9:59 am
299 since 7 pm last night
6:50 pm 1-28-2020
Thanks to the mayor, we finally got a response!
9:59 am post
“Hi ... it's Breanna I just want to give you a call back I got your
message I am meeting with...
Superintendent, School System Hiding from the Public BREAKING
By Information Central January 28, 2020
1,528,553 all-time visits @ 8:55 am
8:32 am - spoke with Daria in the Mayor's Office about the outrageous
failure of the school system to respond to the public records request.
The Sec of State's office AND the mayor's office are now apprised. The
Determinations in my favor for documents from the police, the AG's
office on TV3, the school system have resulted in exposing how reticent
these entities are in complying with the law. The new...
Monday, January 27, 2020
Public Safety: Bus Stop/Crosswalk on Locust St
By Information Central January 27, 2020

1,528,374 @ 9:18 pm
95 views in 138 minutes
Crosswalk on Locust St. @ Bus Stop A Public Safety Hazard: DANGER
Photos from 1-27-2020 Cars CANNOT see the crosswalk at all in the dark or in daylight
Pedestrians in Peril at 69 Locust St