Sunday, January 26, 2020

Bring Mitch McConnell to Justice

1,527,803 @ 9:15 pm
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Disreputable Adolph Hitler was Smarter than Trump - an essay from JV

I only received three death threats in the past 72 hours from GOP lunatics.  I must try harder...seem to be off my game!!!

JV 9:15 pm 

We Americans are on the "tipping point" of a cyber civil war - against each other. And it has to stop. Vladmir Putin, out of necessity, has driven a wedge between Americans. 

That I have to block (on Facebook) so many individuals for their blatant stupidity regarding the offensive resident who has hijacked the White House, well, it is evidence. 

Evidence of a country heading towards a cyber civil war and proof that the illegitimate pied piper in the White House has Americans drinking his Kool-Aid and pushing them off the cliff, while he stands on the sidelines throwing rocks. If you think Putin is sitting back and laughing you are most likely wrong. Putin is smart, calculating and desperate- a LOT smarter than Donald J. Trump. Putin, like Hitler before him, is dealing with economic problems in Russia, just as Germany had been beaten and thrashed in World War 1. 

"During World War I, the German Empire was one of the Central Powers that lost the war. During the war from August 1914 to mid-1919, the excess (German) deaths over peacetime caused by malnutrition and high rates of exhaustion and disease and despair came to about 474,000 civilians.[2][3] (Wikipedia) 

Russia's economy is said to be inferior to Texas yet Russia is the largest (by land mass) country in the world according to an article included here: 

Forbes April 2018 article: Want to know how big Texas really is? Let’s compare its economy with that of Russia, the world’s largest country by area. Even though Russia has nearly five times as many residents as Texas, the Lone Star State's economy is more than $400 billion larger. Texans, therefore, enjoy a gross domestic product (GDP) per capita of around $58,000, whereas Russians have one closer to $8,700."…/which-has-the-bigger-economy-tex…/… 

That Russia (and China and Iran and North Korea) are adept at cyber warfare is a given. That these countries envy our way of life is another fact. Americans have to stop fighting with each other, remove Trump, and start thinking about saving these United States. 

Mitch McConnell, hell bent on having the minority party, the Republicans, have their say over the majority party - (Hillary Clinton won by more than 3 million votes) is the one rigging the system. McConnell is a traitor who needs to be arrested, tried and punished for his crimes against America. This is logic. Part 1.


just felt like essaying on Facebook...

Some loon said he was going to get the "mob" after me.

Newsflash to loon: that you buy cocaine and heroin from the mob doesn't mean they are going to do favors for you!  Hah, you're their customer, not their boss!  Idiot.  And your faculties are way off from when we paid you about 30K for studio time back in the 1980s...and when I walk into the tape room you were snorting a line of cocaine on OUR VALUABLE EXPENSIVE TIME...

The individual reached out to hire me for publicity...I don't think so... not with your issues.

Not when this would be the press release!

They find me!  I don't have the time, so I block 'em!
