Saturday, January 25, 2020

Why No Trials For Officers Involved in Compensation Fraud???

1,527,271 @ 9:50 pm
1,526,936 @ 2:19 pm

Did you hear the one about the city lawyer with unclean hands who deep-sixed his own investigation of a board of directors he was once part of?

Or police officer Stephen Lebert who got national press for threatening to murder a man?  That's after his uncle had to pay a victim for beating that victim up, with Stephen in attendance.

Threats to kill?  No jail time?   In what reality?
On or about October 1, 2019 there was your Chief of Police Buckley at the city council with none other than the city lawyer who investigated his own board of directors...or the board that he was once part of.   Ya wonder where Buckley got the idea to hold his department to the lowest of standards while buffaloing the public?

Buck learned from the master, Mark Rumley.

In her infinite wisdom Marian Ryan put the police officers on her Brady's List.  Ho hum.

So much for Buckley's rant "These are all good men and women."

But why didn't they have their day in court?
They go after citizens for doing way less...and if they've got nothing, ol' Paul Mackowski and Paul Covino just make it up!

So let us get this straight:

1)Buckley disciplined the cops instead of an outside agency handling it.  As conflicted as
Mark Rumley investigating his own former board of directors, in this humble journalist's opinion

2)Buckley and Rumley attempted to stop me from obtaining the names of all these "good men and women."   It's like Trump not wanting witnesses because Trump knows that he's "fxxxxd" the minute his chief of staff and John Bolton testify

In essence, people, Rumley wanted to hide these facts from you for Mr. Buckley.

But we wouldn't let them buffalo you.

And it possibly forced Marian Ryan's hand to at least Brady's List them.

But think of how anti-public, anti-public safety those moves by Buckley and Rumley were.

Notice what then-councilor Breanna Lungo Koehn said to Buckley's face, in concert with what we've been saying here.

The mayor agrees with me that people are afraid of the Medford Police Department and now she's in command.

Let's just keep the information flow happening whether one person reads this or another million and a half.  Let Bing and Google get this information entrenched in the internet in the same fashion that the bad element entrenched itself into Medford life.

More to come.