Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Discussion on Access TV on Facebook

Joe V's Responses

I was the sole person to respond to Mayor McGlynn's RFP Request for Proposals. I applied for the job in 2005, but the old TV3 did NOT want experienced professionals. The kid they hired had never worked in access television and allegedly ran out of the room in hysterics because he couldn't put a tripod together. Nice guy, I got along with him, he left and went to Boston Neighborhood Network but didn't last long. Then TV3 hired a vicious woman from Foster RI who made movies, allegedly demanded members stuff ballots for her movies to "win" contests. They won a 10K contest (to his credit, solicitor and board member Mark Rumley refused to vote when pressured on it) and then she demanded the 10K while telling citizens she got ten thousand dollars for the station. We had a lawsuit in Superior Court, I won, of course. In court we found out her experience: she produced one cooking show at Worcester's cable TV station. Her successor had to sign a stay away order after we caught him harassing my home and my neighborhood night after night, blasting his horn at 2 AM, peering through my windows. So they had no intention of hiring competent professionals. McGlynn, allegedly, considered this a "scarecrow" tactic. Keep the residents out, let him pay his pal JD out of the access monies - and JD's camerawork and audio ...well, a fifteen year old could do better in my opinion. Mayor Burke hired BB. I warned the city council to NOT let BB install the new cameras. Sure enough he gets a job at MGM and the council has to scramble. They never listen. Now an exile from MATV, PG, was doing Muccini-Burke's bidding. You want real access television? I can put a staff together in a heartbeat and watch the fun this city will have. My hosting in access started in 41 years ya think someone might learn a thing or two or three? It's Medford's loss to use individuals who do not care about Medford or access TV and know nothing about it whatsoever. That's what we've been saddled with for over 30 years.

Part II

perhaps the biggest reason they don't want professionals in there: 3/5ths of the funding, about 600 thousand dollars goes into a black hole known as "the general fund." 1/5th pays 3 teacher salaries which is highly inappropriate, the 200K for P/E/G access was being hijacked and we had color bars instead of programming. I shut down TV3, Mayor Burke took the 700k or so that I saved the city and squandered it on the Educational Channel claiming it was PUBLIC ACCESS, asking for a CORI check so that she could spy on candidates, ostensibly, and you are so right: Medford Being Medford. IF 600k a year goes to the General Fund supposedly to keep taxes down, why are your taxes going up every year. What a scam. Mayor Burke and Roy Belson were cited for violating the Open Meeting Law when I caught them having a Cable Advisory Board that didn't post according to the OML. That "Advisory Board" was a disguise for a Chapter 74 board, but they didn't call it that until the complaint was was the Cable Advisory Board with some members allegedly not knowing they were part of that board. Belson and Burke should have been slammed but only got a slap on the wrist when I insisted a harsher punishment as they knew exactly what they were doing. Burke being close to the AG, well, you get the drift... So much money...what I don't understand is if a citizen uses a double coupon at Stop & Shop to save a buck, why are they not looking at the millions and millions of dollars Medford has hijacked off of cable TV for the past three decades or more????