Friday, January 17, 2020

Self Serving Neil Osborne: Bad for Medford

Is Neil Writing to us Under an Assumed Name?

Here's some more "breaking news" for you: Breanna is promoting Neil Osborne to lead the city's new department of human resources. Announcement coming this week.

Ya gotta love anonymous rumors.

Only a coward would hide behind a phony name.

So Neil Osborne has COWARDS supporting him.

*Mr. Osborne was found, along with then-chair Rachel Tanenhaus, to have violated the Open Meeting Law in regards to a meeting of the disability committee

**Mr. Osborne failed to help senior citizens harassed by councilors Knight, Caraviello and Dello Russo

The city has no place for such a self-serving rubber stamp for any administration.

We need Integrity, Unity, Transparency --- all qualities lacking when a government official is found in violation of the Open Meeting Law