Sunday, January 26, 2020

Disgraced MPD - A Black Eye on Medford

1,527,568 @ 12:42 pm

25 Investigates: More than 2 dozen Medford officers blacklisted by DA for overtime scandal

The crooked Medford police scandal a dark shadow over the first day in office for the new mayor, Jan 6.

By: Ted Daniel
Updated: January 6, 2020 - 5:36 PM

What a way to greet a new mayor, with the debris from Stephanie Muccini-Burke's horrendous handling of the corner office.

Look at this Trumpian exploitation by the Medford Police Patrolmen's Association on Facebook on  January 9 - three days after a quarter of the force was placed on the "Brady list"

National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day!
We would like to take a moment and thank all the men and women of the Medford Police Department for their continued dedication to serving the City of Medford and the Commonwealth.
Also, thank you to every law enforcement officer for what they do day in and day out.
Special thanks to all officers serving in the US Military that are stationed abroad protecting this great nation.

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Over the years the Medford Police Superior Officers Association and the Medford Police Relief Association have also contributed to making this a great yearly ...