Friday, January 17, 2020

What Was Wrong with Ex Police Chief Leo A. Sacco Jr's Brain ?

1,521,455 @ 11:39 am
1,521,421 @ 10:24 am
1,521,391 @ 9:44 am 1-17-2020

I was a victim of violent imagery on TV3.

Week after week a now twice-arrested ex board member of TV3 would have his image violently hitting me.

Chief Sacco's department did NOTHING.

They asked the victim to "mediate" with the attacker.

I never acted in a violent way towards my attackers...they were determined in the police report in April of 2010 to be the people of interest while the police determined me to be the victim.

Why didn't Sacco ask some rape victim to "mediate" with her rapist?  Answer: He was too busy kissing Mike McGlynn's ass!

But because Leo A. Sacco Jr. was unethical, they let the attackers go.

Then the alleged false bomb threat at Station Landing

"In light of everything that has gone on, you can’t kid about that anymore," said Medford Police Chief Leo A. Sacco Jr. 

"It’s totally inappropriate and crossing the line and insinuates that someone may carry out such a threat."
You mean like Rick Caraviello and Ed Finn, Mr. Sacco?   "Inappropriate" is what Sacco said in an e mail to me when Bob Maiocco threatened me with a dirty metal pipe


The pattern of harassment is noted in the presentment letter going to city hall regarding Caraviello's malfeasance and the Medford Police Department's hypocritical bullying and failure to protect me from Ed Finn and the twice-arrested now ex board member of an ex TV station.

Ugly is what it is.  Add Frank Pilleri stomping on my foot and the disgusting Julie the Jarhead putting a bloody meat cleaver over a photo of me she took at my home during her stalking activities and you see why Leo A. Sacco Jr. should be charged, tried and imprisoned for his failure to uphold his oath of office.

Any MBTA cops get away with anything that you know?   Sacco Daddy Dearest was not the kind of individual who should have been in charge of the police department in a huge municipality 5 miles north of Boston.  No friggin' way.

Just read the L'Italien report for the evidence.

Ex Chief Sacco's son was caught swerving in traffic with the allegation of drunk driving.   MBTA cop Joe Sacco never saw a courtroom with daddy dearest allegedly obstructing justice.

But when it came to an elder person getting slugged by Edward P. Finn, AFTER the TV3 assault on my person, AFTER the perpetrator of the alleged bomb threat attacked me on TV weekly, Sacco said to me on 10/17/17 "You get the police service you deserve."

Sacco = Son of a Bitch.
Sacco knew about the contents of the L'Italien Report before it was written.

I didn't need a Boston Globe story to tell me what informants already told me - that Sacco, and quite possibly Muccini-Burke and Mark Rumley, knew way in advance about the compensation fraud.

Chief Sacco was a fraud

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

10:24 am
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