Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Did MPD lose 4 Nine One One operators? Public Safety

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Breanna, did Medford lose FOUR 911 operators in the past 6-8 months? 
Breaking: rumor has it that four 911 operators have left the department. If so, why? Rumor has it there is no electronic bulletin board showing each street, rumor has it these operators have not been allowed, allegedly, to drive with officers around the town to get a feel for the streets, where those streets are, what obstructions there may be. This is public safety, people. I will be submitting a public records request today. Why is the city of Medford so difficult? Why doesn't Chief of Police Buckley alert the city to the situation? And now that we have the L'Italien Report, how do we not know if Buckley when he did details was on the up and up? You can't take it that just 27 officers are "untrustworthy." The entire force needs to be put under a microscope. This is public safety.