Wednesday, September 16, 2020


HAS PARENTS UP IN ARMS! _______________________________________________

9-9-2020 School Committee Meeting Almost 5 hours,. ONLY 142 views as of 12:48 pm 9-16-2020 Why so little interest in school committee meetings which cost about 92 thousand dollars a year in pay to the school committee members. They go into Executive Session 3:12 in.

6:13 pm public viewing starts Ruseau wants to table the meeting minutes of August 17, 2020. #3 approval of pay rolls, etc. Van der Kloot motion for approval, seconded by mayor. Community Participaton: Ms. Sheehan "The needs of the students and families who do not want to attend school in person have been met by remote...speaking as one of 63% ...want students in person learning (much of this is truncated - editor) talking about fully remote plan of classes. Sheehan has concerns that the school committee and administration working with unions and teachers, in her opinion, over the students. Asking them to re-align because paid to serve citizens and students of Medford. Focus needs to be the best interests of the students. Second request, public needs to know what the city's response ...Sheehan is not happy with lack of transparency and calls it "unacceptable" as there is a right to know. Requests a third issue, Medford teacher contracts, a public document that needs to be on web. 4th concern teacher assignments initial volume of requests by staff to work removely Mr Vegan spoke next endorsing Sheehan, Bill Giglio next complaining about School Committee person McLaughlin "is it responsible for school committee members to be promoting an event" which can hinder going back to school. McLaughlin responds that the event is my promoting an event that a 12 year old that went to school with her daughter ...calling me out on a public platform here involving a sixth grader...blah blah blah 4th person Christopher Carbone is not happy with the school committee. "We as a community was told to fill out a survey...2/3rds of parents wanted their children to go back to school, at least part time. Committee on its own decided to look at an arbitrary map....and made a concrete decision...happy that Sheehan and Vegan spoke before him...(editor- looks like people are going to be running for school committee!)