Sunday, September 20, 2020

Councilor Caraviello Fails To Wear Proper Mask - Does Not Cover Nose and Virus Travels Through the Air

 Caraviello Puts on a Show but "The Camera Don't Lie" as Pat Fiorello always said

Caraviello CAUGHT RED HANDED not wearing proper mask



 Leading By Example? A Medford City Councilor, Richard F. Caraviello, is out grabbing as many photo ops as possible. But he is not covering his nose and with all those photos he is setting a bad example for the public. This is so wrong. School Committee person Paul Ruseau uses the "F" word on Facebook after he tells the students they can't use vulgarities. Is Ruseau paid 13 thousand and Caraviello 30,000$? Forty-three thousand dollars for hypocrisy