Friday, September 11, 2020

We Are Filing A Public Records Request on Ruseau's OFFENSES; If he wants to hide behing "personnel issue" then we know he lied to the public about being forthright

1,693,975 @ 5:06 pm
1,693,931 @ 4:30 pm 9-11-2020

School Committee Vice Chair committed multiple offenses according to court documents. "In this case, the defendant filed petitions for annulment of his convictions (note, PLURAL) and sentences on March 31, 1995. The State moved to dismiss the petitions, arguing that the new statute applied and rendered the petitions "premature." See RSA 651:5, III(d), (e) (1996). In response, the defendant urged the court "to apply RSA 651:5 prior to its amendment." The superior court suggested, and subsequently approved, this interlocutory transfer without ruling."

Why is the public unaware of what they, the charges, were specifically? 

The public DOES have a right to know and Ruseau will be getting a public records request. If he DENIES responding and hides behind "personnel" as the Human Resources likes to say NO about (with that attorney's initials being N.O. as in Dr. No himself) we can then ascertain that Ruseau does not want the public to know and voters can remove him, if the attorney general doesn't first:

4:30 pm
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