Sunday, September 20, 2020

Sunday Letter to Mayor Lungo-Koehn on Caraviello and TV3/TV47 Last Sunday of Summer 2020

 1,699,961 @ 5:11 pm Sunday 9-20-2020

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Dear Madame Mayor:

1)Enclosed is a photo of Richard F. Caraviello with his mask half-off.  What a terrible example from a former city council president who grabs every photo opportunity that he can.
You cannot walk into a store with the mask half on and half off.  When will Chief Buckley do something about reprobate Caraviello's thumbing his nose at the law every chance that he gets?
Perhaps that's why he's got his nose exposed, so he can thumb it at the citizens he gets 30k or so a year from?

How about censure, a no-confidence vote, and the removal of Caraviello? from a council that he's unfit to serve on.

2)Look at the two screenshots of the MCM_Medford Twitter (how redundant; Medford Community Media_Medford - the station with half a dozen names.) 

This is intentionally putting roadblocks to the First Amendment, in violation of your oath of office.  Having a station manager that:

a)your predecessor hired in error
b)who lives 31 miles away from the city, according to public records, in Georgetown Mass.
c)who knows little or nothing about Medford
d)a protege of the self-centered access station in Malden that makes up its own rules which violate the law
e)whose laziness was called by Medford United's founder "unacceptable"
f)with the evidence on these screenshots of little or no access, failure to post on Twitter each and every new upload to the VOD

YOU, Mayor Lungo-Koehn, intimated that you would hire veterans with experience, local people with energy, and you have failed miserably. That mission and those promises unfulfilled.

$70,000.00 for a negligent TV3/TV47 station manager in Medford. Mayor Lungo-Koehn is the "issuing authority" to all things cable television. Why does she keep her predecessor's choice who allegedly lives 31 miles away in Georgetown, Ma. How does this help Medford. Study these screenshots. The Twitter account shows what is not going on at the phony "public" access station. Medford United founder just noted that she was outraged by the failure of the 70k station manager when he failed to upload the School Committee sub committee meeting in a timely fashion. She called it "unacceptable"

Get a grip, Mayor Lungo-Koehn, because the 2021 election is slipping away and those who supported you are shocked at your failure to deliver

Oath of office?  Not many government officials abide by it


Joe Viglione