Tuesday, September 29, 2020

The Presidential Debate

8 pm to 11;07 pm - 187 minutes, = 131 views of this news site

Biden Lands a HUGE LEFT HOOK at the debate's conclusion, Trump folds and rants like a five year old child!

Biden got a left hook in at the end speaking coherently, calmly about Trump having to leave if he loses.

Biden scored big points by being a gentleman.  

Trump kept on lying that Biden couldn't stand for the close to two hours, and Biden figuratively punched Donald in the mouth and spanked the bastard!

As the TV commentator said "Trump is running against the system, not Biden," and Biden kept on smiling, - knowing that he was in control and up in the polls.

Another TV commentator says "Trump was out of control" as Trump attacked a dead veteran, the son of Joseph Biden.

That cheap shot why you are proud to vote for Trump?  Really?  

Indecency and disrespect by going after a dead son, a dead veteran.

Trump's childish misbehaving violating the process the Republicans agreed to
Trump made a promise to shut his dirty mouth and he couldn't do it.  

All Trump do was embarrass himself and this nation.

Every time Biden made sense about Trump's support of white supremecy, Trump ranted and kicked the moderator in the midsection.

Trump revealed and exposed!

You still voting for Trump?   ARE YOU REALLY THAT STUPID?

Trump supporters have to be cringing...

Biden got in a left hook...watch the last three minutes, Trump is ranting and Vice President Biden showed what being presidential is all about.

The Vice President just got promoted to the Presidency that he deserves.