Thursday, September 17, 2020

Uninformed Brian Falasca Defending Caraviello's Indefensible Behavior BANNED on Real Medford Mass Politics

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There is free speech,

and then there is yelling "fire" in a crowded theater.

When people violate the First Amendment by yelling their kind of "fire" we delete them.  Too many subversive groups in and around Medford these days to put up with the crackpots.

The woman's post was removed for being immature. Why the use of vulgarities? Show's a lack of class

Some crazy started using bad language, she was removed for violating our terms of service. Then this Brian Falasca was out of line - he didn't ask questions or be civil about things, just lashing out.  Say gone

Brian Falasca Wow, another uninformed individual throwing rocks. You are getting very close to being banned, Brian, but we need to make an example of people who attack people's free speech rights. Though I go to a church that is anti-drugs, and have most of my life, I have helped more alcoholics and opioid abusers than many will experience in a lifetime. You just like to throw stones without knowing the truth. Fact is, I've never heard of you, yet there are dozens of us who work extremely hard to make Medford a better place. Abusive Richard F. Caraviello, city councilor, is not one of them. You see, there are some reporters like myself who go beyond the call of duty and volunteer time for things that matter in Medford and beyond. You just write nonsense, use vulgarities, a sure sign of someone who has no facts, just likes to cause trouble. We don't need your making trouble on a site designed to help and benefit the city of Medford. Mr. Caraviello is one of the enemies. You should be angry that he is in the photo. He's doing it for self-promotion, not to help out the city. Are you voting for Trump? #BidenHarris2020  

these posts about to be removed from Facebook:

Brian Falasca This is enough. Until you have someone suffering in your family that’s when you will not care about how much they’re paid. If you don’t know or never been in addiction you shouldn’t tlK about it
Brian Falasca Why don’t you go donate your time then and save a few lives or help instead of sit back and talk shit and be a hypocrite. This is the first thing we don’t agree on at all.