Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Hold Medford Police to the HIGHEST of Standards; Jack the Hack Buckley REFUSES to do so and seems to BLAME THE VICTIMS, like Sacco before him!

1,697,027 @ 5:09 pm 

Police need to show the highest of standards. 

Confidence is undermined when a Stephen Lebert has a long history of abuse in Medford until he's caught on camera. 

The previous police chief would spread misinformation, personally, in the press attacking victims. 

Officers like Shawn Hughes, the late Greg Hudson, and Miguel Lopez can't be considered the exceptions as there are so many, culminating in 32 officers on the Brady list, the most in all of Middlesex County. 

So while Chief Jack Buckley is demanding the public trust 10-1-19 at the city council thinking we need to blindly trust him with that bad, bad track record (previous chief's son not getting arrested for allegedly drunk driving; and all the nepotism at the department) we have the lowest of standards in the Medford Police Dept. 

When I advise the head of the police union in advance about social media and its abuse, and he then makes a political statement arresting a costumed Hillary Clinton, it just shows the "do as we say, not as we do" mentality.

His cousin abused me and they think it is funny when they, in disturbing fashion, break the law and do inappropriate things, like coddling the bad eggs at TV3 Medford, just one example

FOX Undercover: Armed and Dangerous?

In 2007, a Medford police officer was charged with assault and battery after a fight with his wife. The case went to court and Officer Shawn Hughes admitted to sufficient facts. He’s on probation now, after the judge ordered all weapons removed from his home. But Shawn Hughes is still an active duty police officer, and still carries a gun. FOX25's Mike Beaudet reports.