Tuesday, September 22, 2020

D'Antonio vs Viglione ...a Political Battle to Save the Souls of Medford and America

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Anthony, Yer killing me...you hate Ruseau and Zac Bears but you love criminal Trump...uggggh! Illogical...makes no sense.


 Tony writes:

Mike Bloomberg, Medford's Embarassment !!!
Donates 20 million dollars to pay off fines and court cost so that felons can vote in Florida. So, Bloomberg believes that felons are more important than lawful citizens. No secret why! If I was mayor of this city, no reflection on the current mayor, I would give his paltry donation to our library and tell him to shove it up his arse! Bloomberg favors crimnals over doing what's right!
WTF MIKE !!!!!????
Everybody deserves a second chance in life but this is so politically motivated and shows you what kind of person Bloomberg is, really.
Mike, money doesn't make the man!


Joe V responds:

What? Bloomberg is financing Manafort, Cohen, Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Rick Gates, George Nader, George Papadopolous, Kushner, Ivanka and Donald Sr. and the sons that he hates, Donald Jr. and Eric? Why would Bloomberg fund those criminals? Tony, thank you for bringing this to our attention. Nothing is embarrassing as a fraud in the White House killing Americans by being a COVID denier. The frustration for logical people is why we have to have a new civil war because that is Trump's desire. Your priority list, Anthony, all due respect, is terrifying. Shame on Trump, Manafort, Cohen, and all the criminals that have destroyed so much of America. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-bannon-associates-factbox/factbox-here-are-eight-trump-associates-arrested-or-convicted-of-crimes-idUSKBN25G1YU Come to your senses #Bidenharris2020 God Bless Michael Bloomberg. God Bless Ruth Bader Ginsburg.




  • Bobby, can you believe these Trump derangement syndrome victims?? Really sad and scary to actually believe there are people out there who would actually vote for the loss of freedom aka Biden and that racist, bigot and Christian hater Harris.





JV Responds:

Anthony D'Antonio Your concern should be racist Trump screwing with the U.S. Mail to steal an election. Tony, what the hell has Trump done for you? Have his friend Steve Bannon steal your money to put in his pocket instead of building a wall, which is lunacy in and of itself. Uggggh...Trump Derangement Syndrome is following a reality TV host who is classless and out of his friggin' mind. TDS...those who follow the pied piper...let's go to a greater source: Matthew 14:15
King James Bible"Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch." Anyone who takes Trump's words over the words of the Lord, Jesus, has TDS and there is only one cure for it: #BidenHarris2020
Ana M Bulger-Roland it is when Eric Klein posts fiction, Ana! Putin and Trump put bounties on heads of US Soldiers and Klein blames...Biden? The Kool-Aid has been drunketh....sheesh! You people just making it up as you go along???? Pretty scary when Eric uses fraud to make his point and no one is looking at Trump doing the money laundering through Russia...don't let the facts get in the way of the derangement syndrome you embrace. The remarkable thing is how LOW the intelligence quotient is with every single follower of Donald "The Apprentice" Trump. I will pray for all of you. God help us and save us!
Ana M Bulger-Roland
now you are being immature. Read the link. As Tony knows, I back up my position with facts. Having removed Mayor McGlynn's uncle from Medford Housing and shutting down TV3 and exposing 117 cops in Middlesex County being on the untrustworthy list just a taste of my hard work and honest efforts for Medford. What do you do, Ana? but throw rocks at someone who actually has a brain and gets things done. I know I know, I shouldn't interact with the Trump losers, but it's what I do for sport.