Sunday, June 27, 2021

Full Letter to Mayor, Kim Scanlon, Hurtubise et. al. Falco Conflicted with 6/25/21 Vote Against the Mayor? ... 128 days from June 27, 2021 to November 2, 2021

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128 days to Nov 2 Election Day

Adam Hurtubise
City Clerk
85 George P. Hassett Drive
Medford MA 02155

128 days to Nov 2, a little more than 4 months away

RE: Is Falco conflicted running for mayor and relishing his attacks on the incumbent?

To the City Clerk:

Is there not a booklet / 3 ring binder that city councilors and others must place information in if there is a conflict of interest?

John Falco, who allegedly had a fundraiser at Raso's today, June 27, 2021, is running against Mayor Lungo-Koehn.
On Friday, June 25, 2021, didn't Mr. Falco take a VOTE against the mayor?  To have the city spend $15,000 or so to investigate his opponent?

Shouldn't Knight also recuse himself being under alleged criminal investigation and pontificating about allegations when there is hard evidence and a police report on Mr. Knight?  Really, the audacity never ceases to shock with Mr. Knight making remarks

Knight says at 18:54 that he wants to save people from "hostile aggression."  Look at the documented behavior of Knight at the city council.  Were that true Knight would step down and stop being such an embarrassment to the community.  Knight heckled the Director of Public Health.  THAT is hostile aggression that the Council President, Caraviello, never called Knight out on.

Ex Solicitor Rumley and the entire city council have exposed themselves as hypocrites for political vengeance and retaliation against a mayor who is decent!  
Rumley has always been naked with the Emperor's New Clothes, but now we have proof
that the council prances around as naked as Rumley, if not more so.

Is it ethical for a politician to vote for monies to harass his opponent?

Are you, as city clerk, required to file with the State Ethics Commission when this occurs?

1:25 in George Scarpelli gives a "run down" like some grand inquisitor when it doesn't seem to be the place of the city council to discuss this matter

2)Scarpelli claims to have gotten a phone call asking "Are we doing enough on the council"  ?????

3: 1:46  What our boundaries are, what we can and what we can't do."  Duh, ya think?

4) It's being held (information) by the Administration, I don't think we've been given the information

2:00 minutes in:
5)Open Meeting Law Process (3 complaints currently pending against council for OML alleged violations)  All the parties who have been named were invited here this evening

6)I don't see anyone from the city administration here to talk about some serious allegations

7)Leaves us with our hands tied.  (QUESTION: City Council has no jurisdiction over TV3, has no jurisdiction over this matter, right?   JV)

8)Personally reaching out to see what legal avenues we can do, personally  (How about not blocking the investigation into Adam Knight, George?)

9)The Council has to make a decision with what avenues we are going to go with  (Investigate your own, George, Adam Knight and Caraviello and their lies)

10)Even if it means making tough decisions, walking a fine line  (what is Scarpelli babbling about?  The rape or rapes in Otis Mass when he was a chaperone?)

11)Scarpelli "I'm sick of talking in riddles' (unless it is the rapes where Scarpelli was so negligent)
12)We need to move forward to make sure that everybody is heard (on the Adam Knight criminal investigation, Scarpelli's negligence with the rape, Caraviello lying to the police and Falco's alleged conflict of interest)

13)The issues that are put forth are investigated properly (without the 2 cents of a corrupt city council)

14)And sent to the proper authorities (like State Ethics Commission for George Falco, John Scarpelli (Laurel and Hardy)  Adam Hurtubise and Rick Caraviello interfering in freedom of the press)
Zac Bears wants the council to be "oversight"over the Mayor under Plan A Government

Bears wants two motions...

Morrell asks Bears who this is to ..."An investigator"

Bears wants "appropriate funds" for the city council to review certain legal and personnel matters

Adam Knight has the audacity to open his allegedly criminal mouth:
ADAM KNIGHT who is currently UNDER CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION finds it "troubling."
I find Knight smashing a bank door and heckling the Dir of Public Health troubling.

Why is the Director suddenly out ill????   Did Knight's invective cause her serious
emotional distress?


and for the  Pièce De Résistance I give you ex solicitor Rumley's mealy mouth:

Rumley: The Matters We Are Talking About Are Matters That Deal With Government...And government should be open, some use the word transparent (a dig at Mayor Lungo-Koehn who uses the word TRANSPARENT,) and that's the way government should be." Rumley says with fingers crossed under the podium. What a liar.

Mark Rumley, who tried to scare my own lawyer off because Rumley is so jealous of him:  

In any event I will keep him in my prayers. I will not listen to those who want to tell me of his bog entries because, using your word, they are blather, childish rants from a grown man who is unquestionably unhappy and who lives in a world of delusion.

From this day forward his world will not enter mine.
Best Regards,
Mark Rumley

I will pray for you too xxxx. You are on a perilous path with this man. Be careful.
Sent from my iPad

As my dear friend, the late Johnny B said to me "Who would want prayers from Rumley?"  Truer words were never spoken.
Pray for me while attacking me and calling me names when I am volunteering my time to fight the corruption dripping from Mark Rumley's extremely unclean hands...

Rumley disgusts me, but far more important, he is a clear and present danger to Medford if Falco should slime his way into the corner office, John Falco participating in this subterfuge and skullduggery with glee.

Such trickery?  People channeling their inner Michael Marks


For Breanna Lungo-Koehn, crisis is opportunity.
The word crisis in Japanese (危機=kiki) has the kanjis 危=”danger” and 機=”opportunity” (This kanji has also other meanings). The Japanese are pretty good finding ways to find opportunities when things turn bad, the best example is how they resurrected after the war.