Wednesday, June 30, 2021

To the Mayor, Staff And the Rest of Medford Quick Note: Disturbing e mails alleged from Mark E Rumley; Falco's Disturbing Conflict of Interest

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Wed, Jun 30 at 7:29 PM
Dear Medford residents and politicians
  1. 125 days and John Falco is on a witch hunt for his campaign paid for by your tax dollars
  2. There are 125 days from June 30, 2021 to November 2, 2021
  3. The Alleged Rumley Texts
  4. Online article Rumley/Falco are the Problem
Dear Voters,

I was informed of alleged interaction between Mark E Rumley and Breanna Lungo-Koehn that Mr. Rumley called the mayor a "fxxxng bitch"

Then, incredibly, I find alleged texts from 2019 where someone using an account claiming to be
Lungo-Koehn notes that she wouldn't call Rumley a "fxxxxng bitch" as he allegedly did to her

This is - thus far - the ugliest campaign since McGlynn shook his baby rattle at D'Antonio.
Racism and Sexism and religion all thrown in a box, shaken up, and tossed on the table
like dice.

I can tell you from personal experience that ex solicitor Rumley has a huge temper; we are talking a temper of Adam Knight proportions.   I can't see Solicitor Kim Scanlon doing the things that Mark Rumley would do, giving me evil eyes when he got off a witness stand for Dawn Natalia, disgraced film maker and ex TV3 station manager.  I defeated Natalia and TV3 in Superior Court and shut them down.

But Mr. Rumley, apparently chagrined because he is the "Of Counsel" for Malden and not Medford, is in a tiff...strike that, more like a rage and gunning for the incumbent with both barrels.

Rumley is a petty little man and, frankly, I'm amazed that he's still seething with envy, anger and retaliating in such a flagrant and transparent way.

He tried to drive a wedge between me and one of my lawyers.  My lawyer was taken aback and said "I misread him."  Me, my response was quick and efficient:  "Told you so."

But what Rumley is down to now is disgusting, and even more disgusting, elections commission (in the cc above) is reprehensible John Falco eating up the allegations (and note they aren't using the words "alleged" in Rumley's dishrag cease and desist.)  Falco voting for money to investigate his opponent, failing to recuse himself.  Adam Knight under criminal investigation and pointing the finger at Breanna.

More about this dizzying, nonsensical rant by an ex city solicitor who is indulging in all seven deadly sins with a venomous relish that is very much the Real Mark Rumley that I have had to put up with for nineteen years now.

During an election cycle it should shock and disgust you.

Childish ignorance that Rumley clearly learned from the TV station board that he was a big part of;
a group that didn't account for franchise fees, and Rumley buried the investigation to take care of his pals that he called "Equal opportunity slappers."

Well Mark, it takes one to know one, and you knew your colleagues at TV3 well.
So well that you act just like them.
Chumley Report indeed.  If these texts are true, Rumley has a mouth like the TV3 President and Vice President.  Why is the city of Malden wasting taxpayer dollars on such a degenerate?

See the alleged texts below

More to come.

Read this

Joe Viglione