Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Emotional Embattled Osborne Rails at.Council VOD Video Added, See Osborne Ridiculed by Adam Knight

 Neil Osborne pretty much breaking down in front of the City Council of Medford 7-13-21


I think it is around the 1:40:00 mark

Rather than do his job, embattled Neil Osborne is fighting for HIS alleged RIGHTS, not Yours. 


What an amazing chunk of video evidence.  


His voice cracking, Mr. Osborne is all about him, his image in the community, the money he can grab, and what is best for Neil, not you.


What a child, complaining about a title. 


Branding is not Mr. Osborne's strong suit.  


The names are nutty and creepy, the People Protector, the Human Rights People Commissioner...someone please play Barbara Streisand's "People" for him, I have about 30 copies of the song (the twisted generalization that all gay men collect Streisand,) not because I'm a homosexual, but because I'm a record collector.*

(When you get records in "lots," you don't pick them!  That I have a full box of Streisand is not by choice, but neither am I allergic to the discs. Earthy Janis Joplin is more this homo's style.  I'm not Kevin Kline from the film IN AND OUT grabbing all the Streisand records, though as a Bee Gees fan, her "Woman In Love" is one of my favorite productions of all time, and I copied the production work for my classic "Lejandami."  Frankie Fabulous pipes in "Say something nice about Barbara!"  OK, Babs did a tremendous job on Laura Nyro's sublime "Stony End," however don't ask me about Streisand's deep tracks, we'll have to get another same sex person to discuss that...and I will admit, there are many!)


The Neil Osborne theme song: "People" - like Mark Rumley these attorneys are massive hypocrites.  It's all about them - PEOPLE - not about you.  They want the cover of PEOPLE magazine, but they haven't earned it.  Both attorneys have only earned a very warm place in hell.


We'll post the meeting VOD, Neil Osborne in all his horrifying, selfish glory.  Pathetic.


I think it is around the 1:40:00 mark

Quick Notes from 7/13/21 Council Meeting

Neil Osborne at 8:44 pm  at City Council says he is stripped of all titles.

Thank God for small miracles!


Council VP Knight says he has problem with Osborne's compensation   Knight ain't the only one...Neil's bloated salary is undeserved.


Osborne claims he is Chief People Officer.

*(And Leo Sacco Jr. is Chief Nepotism Officer.)


Marks notes salary increased and was not voted on by council that Solicitor Scanlon said it needs to be .....duh....