For Immediate Release
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Don't worry, Mr. Driscoll, my blog only has two million one hundred and ninety-one thousand, six hundred and forty five hits at 9:30 am March 5, 2022
And with Dan Kennedy's report on the Medford Transcript's troubles, and negligent Alex Newman at the Patch, our readership is only going to grow!
Today's exciting chapter:
Attorney Jeff Driscoll of Medford Housing Authority embraces his Inner Vladmir Putin
Look at what that fraud, Attorney Jeffrey Driscoll, wrote in a public records request response to me early yesterday morning, where Driscoll, the suspicious Executive Director of the Medford Housing Authority.
failed to respond:
With the utmost respect for the Legislature's mandate
that public agencies operate with transparency
while safeguarding confidential information, the Medford Housing Authority is firmly committed to adhering to the Public Records Law.
Any individual request you care to make in the future will continue to
be subject to the strict parameters of this law."
Read that as "With the lowest respect for the Legislature's mandate that public agencies operate with transparency while safeguarding confidential information...."
Driscoll is channeling his inner Bob Covelle, the
disgraced MHA E.D. who got a mere slap on the wrists for his wrongful conduct,
courtesy of McGlynn's close ties to Martha Coakley, no doubt.
No doubt in my mind about that.
Attorney Jeff is just pissed off that your mayor, Breanna Lungo Koehn, reported - as I did - that people are complaining about the lack of transparency at the housing authority in Medford.
In Trumpian fashion, Atty Driscoll is yelling from the rooftops about transparency while heading the most conniving, devious, scum-infested housing authority in all of New England, making the corrupt, thieving Medford Community Cablevision (defunct TV3) almost look honorable. A TV3 derelict was arrested for giving a beer or beers to a sixteen year old down on the cape while Medford Housing Authority had a convicted sex offender holding the keys to every unit at MHA.
Which is worse? There was an amber alert of sorts for a 16 year old courtesy of the TV3 crony who held the citizenry hostage with his Friday night filth fest.
Until he was arrested twice in one year: the alleged threat to blow up Station Landing and the alleged overnight drinking party between a 50 year old man and a
sixteen year old. Add the Mafia induction ceremony to MHA and TV3 and Medford, you have nothing to be proud of if that's your legacy.
Mr. Driscoll's mouth as dirty (figuratively speaking vis-a-vis his non-response to a records request) as Bob Covelle's red-handed capture! if you believe yet another attorney with complete disregard for his oath, as well as any alleged oath of office at the unhinged Medford Housing Authority.
1)The Mayor and your beloved reporter are fielding complaints on Driscoll's LACK of Transparency and Driscoll gets all high and mighty while violating that very mandate for transparency he acknowledges
2)I've taped some of these housing authority board meetings and it reminds me of the corrupt old Medford Community Cablevision, Inc., which I forced ex mayor McGlynn to shut down.
3)When I removed McGlynn's uncle, Gene McGillicuddy, with the help of then-Governor Deval Patrick, there was no animosity; heck, I liked old "uncle Gene," as they mocked him at TV3, when
McGillicuddy was the watchdog for that mayor AT MCC (TV3.) I felt badly that I had to bounce him off the MHA board (see the video, Gene and I were always nice to each other) but fraud is fraud and
the Medford Housing Authority under Bob Covelle, Vivian Vance and Mike Luongo is the purest form of fraud: to the point where Luongo and his wife were stalking me in a fashion that would make
Glenn Close from Fatal Attraction blush with envy. I was creeped out by Mark Tonello and Lisa Marie Tonello, Mr. and Mrs. Luongo, Rick Caraviello and Mark Tonello following me around town.
It was sick. Sick activity from sickos from MHA with time on their hands and nothing better to do. They certainly weren't serving the public, which - in some of their cases - was their mandate.
Man-date - clearly they had a fixation on a well-known homosexual male who was allergic to them. As my late girlfriend said about our escapades across the U.S.A. "We're into beauty."
Got that right. Since her death I'm stuck with ugly stalkers instead of all that beauty we uncovered in hotels in New York, West Palm Beach, Hollywood....God I miss that girl...and I don't even like girls!
So Mr. Driscoll's histrionics aside, Medford, Driscoll and Company are a problem, a big problem, and it is the opinion of this journalist that - with Exhibit A - Driscoll's response that isn't a response, shows
that Driscoll's unclean hands should be NOWHERE NEAR housing and Section 8 and public service that Attorney Driscoll fails to give. He's the worst of the worst beating up on disabled elders by failing
to serve the public that he is paid to serve. And he insults you by falsely claiming he's the champion of Transparency. Where did he get his law degree? Trump University? As defunct as TV3!!!!
This from the dude at a housing authority where the Boston Globe - under rancid and under-punished Bob Covelle - reported theft of copper and a sex offender with keys to every apartment. Allegedly courtesy of Richard F. Caraviello, that other fraud with his creepy limo service. You own a limo business and come up to Littlest Laundromat on Salem Street that I'm carrying laundry into and blast the horn a few times at
a citizen? Really? We know McGlynn likes low-I.Q. weirdos to do his dirty work, but at some point in time, Mike McGlynn, the imbeciles you bring onboard (Adam Knight, George Scarpelli, Rick Caraviello - McGlynn sycophants all) will come back to bite you.
With bad actors Mike Luongo and Vivian Vance from the I Love Lucy Show spitting on your rights at Medford Housing Authority, elders and the disabled don't have a fighting chance.
Medford Mayor Breanna Lungo-Koehn has a gift from this roving reporter: hard evidence that there needs to be a shake-up at MHA starting with the unholy three: Mike Luongo, Vivian Vance and Jeff Driscoll.
"Miss Tipsy" Lisa Marie - whose husband ripped her a new one in public for ordering yet another drink (this writer was sitting next to them, AND NOT BY CHOICE!) is the bonus track.
Jeff Driscoll must have the documents that I requested, and for an attorney who took an oath to fail to respond to what he calls "the Legislature's mandate that public agencies operate with transparency" is a fact that I will bring to the attention of other government agencies: that Driscoll, and Medford Housing Authority, failed to do their job. I believe I have the evidence in writing from Driscoll's own unclean hands.
Graham’s call for an assassination attempt was so crazy a suggestion that it was condemned by far-right troll Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, who called it an “exceptionally bad idea.” Conspiracy theory-peddling Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., also denounced Graham’s comments, calling them “dangerous” and “unhinged.”
Even Fox News host Laura Ingraham called Graham’s idea “stupid.”
WOW! WHEN FRUITCAKES LIKE CRUZ, INGRAHAM AND TAYLOR-GREENE ARE LAMBASTING nutjob Lindsey Graham, Lindsey having himself a CEO of Regent University Pat Robertson moment, all bets are off.
Graham - the crazed Republican from North Carolina - makes Mass GOP loon Jimmy Lyons look sane!
Who Murdered Stalin?
The situation in Ukraine is horrifying. Vladmir Putin has flipped his lid, but there are dozens, if not hundreds, of Kremlin insiders ready to grab the nukes from Putin's cold, dead fingers should Vladmir kick the bucket. They murdered bloodthirsty Stalin, didn't they, and we plunged into a cold war when I was just a wee lad in the 1960s.
Keep in mind: the Kremlin Krew are every bit as Korrupt as Komrade Karaviello, Comrades Knight and Scarpelli, and to fight all the KORRUPTION I say we make a hard choice: drop Zac Bears via helicopter over Moscow or Medford City Hall.
Decisions, decisions.
Ultra-Overweight Bears is the difference between the atomic weapon that fell over Hiroshima and a Cobalt bomb.
Or we could make a porno film with city council Zac and Paul Ruseau from the highly deficient school committee! Now that would be so hideous that it could take out the Medford City Council and Putin's Kremlin Kronies in one fell swoop.
Praise God, maybe Jeff Driscoll, Lisa Marie, Vivian Vance and Mike Luongo simultaneously as a perfect world.
Drop the Zac!, Lindsey!!!
More to come.
Joe Viglione
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