Saturday, June 25, 2022

Ethics, Chief Buckley Attempted Bribery, Breanna's Delusions....


 Only One of These Quotes is Reality,

the truth.    
Hint: it's not Breanna's declaration

I have zero tolerance for government corruption, public employee corruption or any attempted misdeeds that would erode the public’s trust.  
Breanna Lungo-Koehn

Oh, Breanna, does that mean you are going to help me get the Adam Knight April 1, 2021 photographs from Brady-listed cop, Joseph Casey?  Wow...let's do lunch!

“I’ve come to the realization, 

after a half a century of writing, 

that I’m really good at what I do.”  

Joe Viglione 10:30 am Saturday June 25 2022

Breanna hasn't done a damn thing to help expose that city council fraud (one of many,) Adam Knight.
"...public employee corruption or any attempted misdeeds"

Just one case in point.   How many half-buried police reports do my public records requests have to get for you, Breanna, before you stop pontificating and actually DO SOMETHING to BENEFIT Medford?

                                                                  *    *    *    *    *   *

The police chief who violated the public trust on October 1, 2019, at the City Council of Medford, Police Chief Jack Buckley
finally did the right thing.   Of course, knowing the consequences if he took the $25,000.00, and how the chief with unclean hands
(like his predecessor, give the devils their due,) has walked between the raindrops on ethical issues since his appointment, well,
Jack Buckley HAD to turn down the 25k and report Atty Sean O'Donovan.

Now the logical, reasonable person must ask theirself the question: How could O'Donovan be THAT stupid and think he could
get away with it?

Very simple: O'Donovan knew how business is done in Medford, the city of the perjuring ex council president Rick Caraviello,
30 cops on D.A. Ryan's Brady/Giglio Dishonest BLACKLIST, unseemly officers Paul Covino, Paul MacGilvray, Captain Kevin
Faller - who somehow all escaped the Brady list (begs the question, Breanna, how many more officers with dirty hands?) ...and on
and on it goes.

It's HOW business has been done in Medford for the time Mike McGlynn's daddy set the table for his son Michael's corruption.

McGlynn?  By their behavior I thought their last name was Corleone.
In Everett the people protested regarding the racism.  I and a friend drove by and saw it (snapped some photos from the passenger
window) and, what happened?   Medford exile Deanna Deveney had to "resign" (as in, forced out,) along with a city councilor cousin
of the mayor, Carlo DeMaria   Deveney is a total embarrassment, yet Muccini-Burke and DeMaria both had the arrogance to hire her over some qualified, professional person.

Breanna, have you heard the names  Abdourahmane Ba - HR/ Benefits Specialist - Medford Public School, Jenna Tarabelsi,
Neil Osborne....  just asking!

Integrity, Community, Transparency = 3 STRIKES AND OUT!

If you think the Muccini-Burke administration with her allegedly drunk-all-the-time clerk-of-courts husband Brian Burke was clean,
you're nuts.  

Absolutely nuts.  

THAT 2015 election had election-stealer Stat Smith's fingerprints all over it, Mr. Penta, and that was easy to call as the wizard, Michael J. McGlynn, was desperate for an honest man like Robert M. Penta not to audit city hall and the high school.  

Statute of limitations and all that.   

Thus, Queen Muccini-Burke and the rumors of some varsity coach having his way at the high school with an elected
official's daughter...rumors mind you (good looking dude; basketball superstar in Burlington...I'm not a jealous person by nature but in that case...oh, nevermind, "Hot for Teacher" is a song by my friends in Thundertrain, we'll leave it at that) - well, they were the buzz of the high school cafeteria I'm told by another exiled politician. Some person implied "they might kill you" when they heard I was investigating the  varsity coach scandal.   He's a VERY notable person so I'll leave his name out, but after a cement block through my bedroom window and Councilor Rick Caraviello's flagrant abuse of the legal system (not to Breanna,  though, ANOTHER case of public corruption, criminal Caraviello, that Breanna missed,) well, you get the picture, Paul Ruseau...or is it Paul Comeau Jr.

Here's a HUGE laugh at Breanna's expense.  On HER School Committee the vice chair was (now he's just a school committee person, one would guess,) Paul Ruseau, who changed his name from convicted felon Paul Comeau Jr.   Newsflash to Paul: Changing your name doesn't change your record, even if you expunge it!

Breanna sits on a school committee with an individual caught, tried and convicted for: STEALING FROM A SCHOOL!

I have zero tolerance for government corruption, public employee corruption or any attempted misdeeds that would erode the public’s trust.  
Breanna Lungo-Koehn

RIGHT!  Have another drink!

Which begs the question, if City Councilor Lungo-Koehn is so hell-bent on "attempted misdeeds that would erode the public’s trust," Breanna being on Bob Penta's side in the 2015 election, why didn't she report the varsity coach alleged scandal???  Or Caraviello, or Mackowski, or Michael Marks?  Because as my very good friend the late Dr. Storella said to me at Breanna's inauguration, "She's part of the system, Joe, nothing will change."   

Dr. Storella's testimony from the grave rings true.

I believe, and let me be frank, Breanna INTENTIONALLY puts on those Polyanna rose-colored glasses, embodies the spirit of Mad Magazine's Alfred E Neuman "What? Me worry???" and couldn't possibly
grow a spine if she tried.  

It is NOT in her nature to protect and serve when her buddy Edward P. Finn,
disgraced ex city clerk, beats up on a homosexual senior.  Or for Attorney Lungo-Koehn to call the
FBI when Finn skipped out on a subpoena to criminal court.

What did Lungo-Koehn do?  When she KNEW of violence against a senior and retaliation (on behalf of Muccini-Burke and the varsity coach thing, no doubt)  by pathological liar councilor Rick Caraviello, highly corrupt Detective Sergeant Paul Mackowski (anyone notice this long-time writer not using the word "alleged,") Breanna did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, in her powerful position as an elected official

Here's Breanna's quote after she was a witness to violent criminal Ed Finn's dirty work beating up a senior citizen of Medford:

Derelict Edward P. Finn. “He never took sides,” Councilor Breanna Lungo-Koehn explained. “He's just a great guy, and he will be very missed."  (Medford Transcript.)

Sure he'll be missed, Breanna, if your administration needs to beat up more gay senior citizens.

We won't even bring up the TV3 mess, my hard work and Breanna busy doing her nails.

My friends Harry and Maury don't get it.   If the head of the police union shows up in Boston Magazine, and he's not being decorated but fined $1500.00, it's NOT a good thing.

Life is not one big joke when you take an oath of office, but as we saw with the McGlynn consigliere, Mark E. Rumley, why just fracture your oath of office when you can obliterate your oath as an attorney as well?   Two birds with one corrupt stone, as they say.   

Rumley's hands are so unclean, Mayor Christenson, that a lifetime of free Comet cleanser won't help. Only the fires of hell, and Rumley ain't going anywhere else.

Where was City Councilor Lungo-Koehn when piles of Rumley malfeasance,
like investigating the thieving corrupt TV3 board that he was part of,
Rumley investigating his own corrupt board,
didn't get a peep out of Little Bo Peep, Breanna

You know what they say about Lungo-Koehn in Medford?

Whatever happened to that nice little girl?

Her blinders are on, at full blast.

No, Breanna, I don't believe for a second your Trumpism: 

I have zero tolerance for government corruption, public employee corruption or any attempted misdeeds that would erode the public’s trust.  

Breanna Lungo-Koehn

Adolph Hitler predicted that Donald J. Trump would follow him down the dark path:

 “The receptivity of the masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous.

Mein Kempf indeed!

They say

The Pen is Mightier than the Sword  

Guess I'm taking THAT quote to heart 

Joe Viglione