Thursday, June 30, 2022

Why the Secret Service Will Lie LOTS OF INFORMANTS: Former Trump staffer Alyssa Farah revealed Thursday

.Trump has already incriminated himself; this is all just frosting on the cake so that the Justice Dept can go after a former president without fear

The Secret Service attacked by a fraud president is a huge embarrassment. Ornato and Engel look really really dumb in this. They'd rather lie than admit that they were attacked by an obese orange-haired pervert Former Trump staffer Alyssa Farah revealed Thursday that she was instrumental in this week’s January 6 committee hearing, claiming she directed Cassidy Hutchinson to Liz Cheney for her explosive testimony earlier this week.

During Thursday’s episode of “New Day,” Farah – who resigned from the Trump administration in December and has been vocal about her distaste since – told her CNN co-hosts that Hutchinson came to her directly, saying that there was more information she wanted to give the committee after her initial testimony.


Trump's behavior before and after the phony presidency are enough evidence. Anyone trying to attack people coming forward seem to forget the fact that Trump has already put his foot in mouth and NO ONE can change that. From the horse's mouth, all due respect to horses who look and ARE a lot nicer than Donald Trump