Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Medford's Failure to Effectively Manage Trees... Dear Annie Sandoli Jesus Agrees with Bremerton School District


Arbor Day Foundation Recognizes Medford As Tree City USA

Medford achieved Tree City USA recognition for its commitment to effective urban forest management.

Dear Annie Sandoli of the Medford Patch

Congratulations on the demise of the Medford Transcript.

Saying Medford is good at "forest management" is like saying that crazed football coach Joseph Kennedy is a good Christian after he violates the Bible's Matthew 6:5-6:

“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full."

So crackpot judges with a Republican agenda give him their Satanic blessing and Coach Kennedy spits at Holy Scripture?  In what reality?

"The 6-3 ruling was a victory for Joseph Kennedy, who claimed that the Bremerton School District violated his religious freedom by telling him he couldn’t pray so publicly after the games. The district said it was trying to avoid the appearance that the school was endorsing a religious point of view."  https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/supreme-court/supreme-court-rules-coach-public-school-prayer-case-rcna31662

OK, he's the hypocrite in the synagogues.  Like a former lawyer around these parts who said he would "pray" for me.  My friend, the late Johnny Byers - laughing - saying "Who wants HIS prayers."  Exactly.  Joe Kennedy, please don't pray for me.  Thank you.

It's like Medford Police Chief Jack Buckley claiming his Brady-infested blacklisted police officers are "All good men and women" at the city council 10/1/2019...(before your time here! New Patch editor.)  Yeah, the mothers of Lizzie Borden, Kim Jong Un, Vladmir Putin, Officers Paul Covino, Stephen Lebert, Richard Lebert, Paul MacGilvray, Adolph Hitler and retired Det/Sgt Paul Mackowski thought their kids were "all good men and women too."  But they were wrong, as you are, Chief.

Now let's get back to the trees:

So when I lived in Medford some tree-cutters purportedly for National Grid were trying to cut down a healthy tree in front of my home on Garfield Ave.   My theory is that these bastards cut healthy trees with a "similar" address to jam it up on their records, and make more money at Medford taxpayers' expense.   

They were arguing with me (what else is new?) so I said "City Council is tonight; you're my topic of conversation."    He realized "shade trees" law and called Aggie, the tree warden with the good-looking son.

Aggie comes over, hears my name and says "You're famous."  Yeah, I know that, but we're talking about trees.  She inspects the tree, tells them to get the hell out of there (well, not in those words,) and I saved the tree.

How is this Medford being proactive with forestry?   It wasn't.

Then, Madame Knight was hell-bent on destroying the largest and most beautiful tree on Paris street for a few votes.   I wrote a protest to that witch, Stephanie Muccini-Burke, and she and Madame Knight cut the tree down anyway.  Bastards.

So I totally disagree with the Arbor Day Foundation, Editor Sandoli.   Medford sucks when it comes to managing trees.

Exhibit A
MEDFORD, MA — The Arbor Day Foundation, the largest nonprofit membership organization dedicated to planting trees, has named Medford a 2021 Tree City USA in honor of the city’s commitment to effective urban forest management.  https://patch.com/massachusetts/medford/arbor-day-foundation-recognizes-medford-tree-city-usa

Exhibit B

87, § 1 Public shade trees; definition. All trees within the public way or in the boundaries thereof… shall be public shade trees… [If] it is doubtful whether the tree is within the highway, it shall be taken to be within the highway and to be public property until the contrary is shown.Apr 15, 2022

Section 1: Public shade trees; definition